overdue-d pictures.
Nothing much to update about the 29Th outing. Well, We did nothing but slack and eat only. Ha ha.
Overall, it was fun ( cause i get to meet mira and al and of course my handsome boyfriend)
Happy new year to everyone:D
12 more days to Results ( literally ) and I'm really scared. Gosh.
Baby's gonna start schooling this Monday. And i so wanna see him in his New ITE uniform:D
Oh ya, i spent my new year countdown with my baby. for the very first time, i celebrated it with that special someone. :D and i hope, it'd be a every year thang for the both of us. And yes, i get to meet Mira too. We chit chatted under her block. :D Iloveyou and be strong alright? Don't ever let go okay? Wanted to watch a movie wiv baby but, the movie i wanted to watch was sold out)':
Baby then treated me to ice Cream ( MagNum ) . His ice cream taste ( suckish ) HA HA! mine, welllllllllllllll. SEDAP mayne. HA HA! Dah 2010 je, i hugged him:D HA HA! and we then slacked at the nearby park. Divine. Well spent on NEW YEAR:D Iloveyou b:D
and i'm tired. I can go K.O anytime now, but i wanna text the love of my life first before i go to BOBOK. HAHA.
I miss my girls. ALOT.