Fast game.
I wanna change my blogskin yet again. Omg, tell me i'm the most irritating person on earth?
Basically, went out with my dearest boyfriend to find a dress for 29th outing( kay, idk if its still on, but if it isn't, i'd make my outing uh)
Haha. We walked around bugis street and boyfriend lurrrveee this real niceee checkered blue shirt.
Bought it for him:D
Then bought my dress ( b's choice ). B, penat kan keluar ngan i? HAHA! but, best peeee. Get to spent time. Hahaha. wanting to buy this really OMG nice dress but haha, i gotta wait!
Hopefully, i get to buy that dress real soon mayne! it's like, Omg, nice. ( SS mcm sial )
and thanks b for the day!:D ILOVEYOU. Muahmuahmuahmuah!^^
Mum went shopping to cotton on without me)':
she bought 2 jackets in black and denim blue. love it much.
Sis bought this real cute tank-top! omg, its nice and omg, CHEAP. Kay, i'm going cotton-on tomorrow to purchase one for myself:D Heheheh!
Kay, fast game punye update,
i miss aveiro and silva. :'(