There's a hoard of pictures but all are in Facebook:D
200+ Pictures mayne! Fuuuuuuuh, Super much? HA HA! Go figure.
Basically met ELLY. It was not a planned thingy. I went online and she asked me out.
i was not allowed to go out or anything so i asked her to come over. She did:D
She came about at about 1.30pm. We surf the net, And heh ( gossip* )
Took my Nikon D60 out and we cam whore BIG time! :D
I had fun, From jump shots to stupid shots to muke pepek shots to every shot there is la^^
Thank you so much for the day ELLY baby! ILOVEYOU to the max!
Am deleting Tagged and I'm off to Face book for good. I find tagged super boring. Seriously.
Meeting the love of my life today! Yessaaaaaaaah! I'm counting the minutes to madness mayne.
I miss my hunky boyfriend:D
Someone's a jerk. He's nothing but a big FAT liar! Sigh. but its okay! its not my loss :D
Most Prolly I'm going Malaysia next week for a holiday but a short one cause Mama and Amran am working. Pfft. Crossing my fingers real hard that somehow we'd still go on a holiday despite the very tight schedule!
i gotta do some housework and off to buy things for mama with boyfriend.
* 4 more terrific days to our first monthsary. Woahh, time past FAST mayne.
And 2 more days to My bestfriend's Birthday! He's gonna be 16, FINALLY. HAHA!