Fast game update.
Meeting Luqman later. We got alot to talk things out. Not We. Me. I'm sorry b for everything. Sorry for being the worse girlfriend ever. Someone, please help me):
I need a change of attitude and i gotta treat him better. I'm so pissed with myself for giving him all sorts of shitty treatment(s). This one whole month is based on nothing but fights every single day. I made him weep and i feel bad. Very bad till i just can't forgive myself.
B is like losing his faith on me but ain't blaming him at all cause i know all this is entirely my fault.
I gotta change.Not gotta. I have to. cause i know whats best for our relationship. I<3 you b.
I'm sorry alright, sincerely.
Alright, i wanna go and get ready. I don't wanna be late:D
Iloveluqman alot. Iloveluqman.
will update again at night.