Finally changed my blog skin. I was really bored with the old one and since i got nothing else to do at home, i decided to change my blog skin. It took me quite sometime mayne. Well, but i think its worth the time la,I hope.* Gulp:D
Wake up early in the morning to meet my gorgeous boyfriend. HA HA. I was late. HA HA^^ Take that b for coming late yesterday! Awwwww, Luqqy looks awesome as per usual. We sat at the Mrt station and have a chat. Then i wanted to buy earrings for myself. SO off we blast to Northpoint but its still early. We sat outside body shop. Some People are such a nuisance early in the morning eh b? singsingsing. Pfft. go figure. Took pictures with luqqy and he took pictures of me (HAHA)
We talked alot. ALOT i say. Haha. I'd miss that crazy bitch ALOT when he's gone for his holiday. )':
Then off to buy my earrings. Well, bought this real cute alphabet L cause luqqy kept pestering me. HA HA. $1 je. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Petty yknow. Then proceed to Mac's to eat. Fast Game.
Saw hajar and mia caus they're working and hajar, syareez will get used to it and hopefully he won't be that shy anymore:D
Then luqqy sent me home. I hate that part cause its time to say goodbye to each other. HAHA!
We prolong our time, HAHA! but just for like 5 minutes? Hahaha. to me, thats long kay. We exchange Necklaces:) Sweeet mayneee and he hand me his NIKE mercurial bag with his shin pad ( thanks baby ;His bag reeks of his SMELL=NICEEEEEEE) Then its goodbye,
won't be meeting baby for at least a WEEK mayne. GOD! hoping that he'd come back on Tuesday. HAHA:D well, i can endure it. I hope. I'm gonna miss him alot mayne. and he won't be there supporting me during my competition. saddening mayne, but its okay, Mira Ada. She'd replaced Luqman:D HAHAHAHHAAHA!
I wanna text my baby till he's off for his hols.
and, the futsal competition is this SUNDAY! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
And 10 more days to our one monthsary:D AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW