Aizat is feeding me with funny videos cause im bored! Timecheck;2.38am.
Baby is still awake! He's playing soccer at 7.30am. Go figure. :D ( GUYS. standard)
Heh, Mum gave $25 bucks for helping her. Yay, just waiting for the $50 next week and boomz,
i get to shop for deary and myself.
Can't wait for the 29th outing! for sure its gonna be a blast.
Oh yes, i've changed my blogskin yet again cause my old one was rather 'EEEWISH'.
I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND ALOT.I'm starting to feeel the lurrvee~
We quarrel almost everyday and hah, we're both not sick and tired of it. Most importantly, ain't sick and tired of each other. Basically I'm crapping shit here but oh wells, boyfriend still loves me.
I'm disgusted by his/her obsession over his/her boyfriend/girlfriend.
Cmon, We know that you love him/her SOO much but must you like be his/her number one stalker?
AH, stupid idiots. GO figure.
Happy splendid 16th birthday to my Bestguybestfriend in the whole wide world and universe, mohamed nor asraff:D
didnt get to spent his birthday with him but oh wells, he's always right there, CLOSE to my heart!:D
and eventhough we're not as close like last time, just so you know, i'd always be there for you:D
And thank you so much to IZZAT and Fir for cheering me up last night.
you guys are the best of friends:D and izzat is real cute cause he recorded his voice and tried his very best to like TALK sense into me. And he's two step behind me and he's just a phonecall away:D
LMAO! i miss and LOVE my bbyg's ALOT. i so wanna meet all of you ASAP! sighhhhh.
am tired.