Arsenal won Standard liege with a score of 2-0! Nasri and Denilson contribute in the 2-0 win(:^^ We qualify for the knock-out round and have advanced 10 consecutive years in Europe!
Go Arsenal. GO!Go!(:
WTF! I waited for at least an hour and no one was voted out.
Mum voted twice for Sezairi. She was like. ???? HA HA! quite funny though.
Stayed at home again cause firstly, my leg hurts. Secondly, i just got no mood to even step out of the house. Tell me about it. My life sucks. HA HA!
Fought with babe just now.)':HA HA! Over some really small matter. HA HA! childish uh nisa.
Was reading some article on Arsenal.com and saw this article regarding them auctioning off those shirts. OMG. Some Person bid 3300 euros for Fabregas's autographed shirt. OMG. super Darn jealous! Babe, satu hari belikan i? Satu hari je! Kay? Heh!
Got the futsal fixtures today and i'm really excited about it^^ ( we're first timers that's why super the kanchiong spider )
I think we pisang can nail it. From the way i see it Kan,the schools that are participating Kan,
We've been there done that.( on field ) Sheila also very the confident. She even train herself by playing street soccer:D
maybe we'd be doing a jersey just for the game. Hopefully Sheila can sponsor eh^^
Gonna Text the girls about the details. So that they can ask for a day off ( cause most of them gotta work and stuff ) during our match day^^
I'm looking forward to 13 December. The Saddest thing is that babe won't be there to support me.)':
but never mind, he's gonna help me train! HA HA! Sayang you^^
Gonna Call babe later! HA HA(: Can't wait.
Gotta blast.