Sent my Futsal Form Already(:
And and, IZAL( our school Keeper ) will be playing with my team!
And all of us gotta meet up one day and train ourselves cause its been 154654765 ages since we last kick em balls. HAHA!
And our team name is;PISANG! ( don't ask why )
Then i gotta arrange their positions and Stuff. And i can't wait for the SOCCER GIRLS CHALET(:
So, Went to woodlands again. ( somehow, Woodlands Dah macam Second home to Me and Mira)
We accidentally bumped into DEVONA. God, its mad. Seriously, We laughed our ass off. Disturb Devona like forever And thanks SAYANG for the Mac spicy TREAT. ILOVEYOU(:
* Meet guys must wear Sexysexy. HAHAHA! I go here see you, i go there see you again, go school see your face again. Go take Olevels also see you again. BORINGGG* HAHAH!( inside joke)
I wanna wish MIRA happy 15 hours(:
Tell me i'm suchaaa good friend. HAHAHA!
And why is he's name in the middle of M_____S?
ENDUREE again~~
Oh yes, One whole full day, didn't even text Ronaldo. For GOODNESS SAKE, when is all this gonna end? I miss him so very much ( Blame him for not making the Super Extra Effort )
HAHAHA! instead of 4 dreadful days, its extended to 7 crazy/sad/cheerless/SuperSLOW days! HAHAA! Right after MY LAST PAPER FOR OLEVELS, i'm soooooo gonnaaaaaa ring him/beep him/text him/find him! HAHAHA! everything and anything that is associated with him la!
( ONE WHOLE FULL DAY, i'm gonna SPENT MY TIME Texting him ONLY)
And thank god, Cause on the 12Nov, Maybe gonna Meet suffyan to take my Necklace and Watch 2012 with RONALDO((((((((((: , Mira, Panda and Maybe AL(:
Tell me That im super EXCITED? TELL ME! hahaha!
okay, i gotta stop before i brag more!
I miss Ronaldo GALAXY-LOAD!
and somehow, this past few days, some girls just cant keep their eyes and mouth to themselves.
Ps; Afad Hamster is such an ass as he wanna go find a job at "MY DREAM WORKPLACE"
damn, i shouldn't have told him about it. PFFT^^
And, I'm super DARN angry at Rusydi;DidiDEGIL!