Yesyes, Somehow, this is like my Last paper.
Physics was okay. Some answers that i wrote same as my friends.
Haha, Self confidence BOOST to the MAX.
Going out to meet Panda and Mira later on.
Will meet Al after 5. Maybe timezone-ing?
I'm SAD cause my Dearest Ronaldo could not make it!
SAD MCM orang GILA, Orang Gila pon boleh kalah.
Go timezone to have fun, aku SAD. Cause Ronaldo Takde.
Pathetic kan?
i miss my ronaldo ALOT okay. Seriously, just cant stop thinking about him.
Not even for a minute uh. Chey!
I'd get all Excited, HAPPY whenever he messages me. Okay, usually, he'd text me after 8plus.
Then then, that'll be the time, i wont be texting anyone apart from him.
Sigh, if only he knew how much i missed him. WOAH!
okay. i wanna go and get ready.