how about that?
I woke up late today and i doubt i'd be attending school.
Macam malas gitu. Really. CH and Chemistry ONLY.
I thought, it was like 820am or what la. But check2 da 930am
I thought class starts at 11 am cause i heard from my classmates like that.
And and, eventually, checked the timetable. Class starts at 850am!
Haha. I called mira and asked her.
Godd dang it! How can i miss school? GODGODGOD!~
Basically, i was super sad over what happened between me and ♥
Really. ♥ didnt take the initiative to even message me.
All along, ♥ was waiting for me to message him.
Woah, One WHOLE day siaa dia tak message or call.
Hati banyak risau! But then again, we talked things out, and thank god, we're okay again.
♥; You gotta stop assuming things about me. Really.
Im not contacting other guys other than you kay.
God, if only i know howta prove it to him, i will siaa.
hmm, maybe we need more trust eh ♥?
Lepak-ed with the technical People yesterday. They're such COOOL people.
Really, Can't stop laughing. Esp BOB.( aku tak perna berbual ngan dia ) HAHA(:
We were in the library la. Bob Kept rolling his eyes and danced like a monkey.
Its hilarious. Really.
Laughed my ass off. Thanks guys for that really hilarious day(:
Breakups isnt a cool thing.
when i look at my friends, i began to ponder.
when i look at how my Bf's/Gf's cry,
it tears me up too.
Sigh, If only i could help.
all i could do was to make some Stupid joke.
and hope they'd laugh.
Eventually. they did.
but i know. deep inside them, they're SUPER SAD!
This is some of the reasons why, i dont wanna have a boyfriend.
oh alright, i think this is long enough.
gonna meet mira and Panda and ??? for lunch later!!
I wanna play soccer laa!
Okay, i gotta blast.