I dont know why i'm feeling oh' super happy.
So, went to school to do "ART"
Hahaha! i know, World kan? HAHAHAHA!
I did some word puzzles and surf the net on mr wong's computer
and went straight to the table to lie down for while.
i didnt know ms lim went in.
i hid under the desk to finish my word puzzle.
Eventually, i became so restless and slept under the table ( on the floor )
god, its dirty siaa.But what i care la kan? haha! Just go to sleep la.
Woke up and saw Satsat message. HAHA!
So, Texted Satsat for while.
And things went out of hand. i began to get mad.
HAHA! Sorry Luqman for getting mad at ya!
So teman-ed Mira . And Met Al. " aku dah mcm orang ketiga"
Al confidently said that a perfume=lipstick.
HAHAHAHAHHA! Super kecoh siaaa!
Thennn Train-ed back home!
Early morning wake up cause BILSATSAT gonna treat me to BREAKFASTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT~
Freeee mealFreeMeal!
I didn't know Bilsatsat Can sing! hahaha!
Bilsatsat(((: , sing for me kay?!hahaha!
gotta blast.toodles.
"so, im that kind of special la?hahaha!"