i thought it was going my way this time round.
it isnt.
Never have i felt so down before. Never have i felt this disappointed before.
your choice could make a big difference in my life.
Sorry for that,
im going through shits in my life.
i need asraff right here with me cause asraff understands me the best!
But all this gotta wait till olevels is done.
insyallah, i'd get to see what life is really all about.
I need someone to talk some sense into me.
someone that i could fully rely on.
right now, it felt as though, i've already lost you
to think, my history is repeating itself.
i lost my confidence in everything.
i punch the wall so hard that its like, in bruises and skin=peeled off
see how pathetic and insane i could get!
i cant seem to concentrate on the OLEVELS.
Sigh, life=downdown down!
i just hope,
miracles could just struck me?
maybe karma might hit you back hard?
i have my girls right here with me.
part and parcel of life,
sigh, Really, can my life get any worser?
i think, i should just wait till olevels end.
for now, i leave everything in god hands.
i'd go with the flow.
all i want now, is to see you, happy.
you dont have to care about me.
your happiness is all that matters to me.
i made a huge sacrifice.
its not my loss.