Can i cry now?
ive blogged almost about everything just now.
and suddenly, the computer shut down by itself without saving anything.
As i was saying, i was browsing through Facebook, I saw a photo album consisting of MinahReps and their Kenings Pictures. Its hilarious. They're such attention seekers. Imagine going out to town with your pink kening. Oh my, how revolting.
facebook is giving me one helll load of a problem too. waited for at least 15 minutes to upload those pictures and when its on the verge of finishing uploading everything, the window said " Upload Failed "
Oh my, i can go crazy!
I've just finished reading "A child called it" and " the lost boy".
waiting for adek to finish reading "a man called Dave" is taking her forever.
Nevermind, i can wait for a goood book that is worth the time reading ,
I encourage you guys to read those books(:
Super cruel.Mean.Inhumane.
Esp for ... ( for me to know, for you to find out )
Hello Bastard. Guess what? I hate you even more.
Damn you. Blame those past on me. Well hello ( Wake up call ) , you were the reason why i left.
Your ego is killing me. And thank god you found someone else to replace me.thank god!Oooh. You said, you were the innocent one. When actually, nahh! never were.
glad to hear your girl understands you and doesnt need all the attention.
OOOOOh. trying to be Sarcastic huh? Well Bastard, who was the one always initiated to meet?
Well, it was you. YOUYOUYOU. Ive never asked for any attention from you.
See, look into the mirror asshole. you want me to buy a new mirror for you? id be happy too!
And id smack it into your Oh so Revolting face! If i was given a choice, i'd chose to not knowing you.
And Well, you said you missed me? Well helllo. Loook who's unfaithful now?!
And one more thing, even IF (IF )i end up in a relationship tomorrow, it doesnt even bother you.
I decide whoever i wanna be with. Ooh, i know laa. I didnt end up being your girlfriend.
thank god. Only god knows what i'd go through if i happen to be your GIRLFRIEND.
Goodluck Bastard.
( if you think this post is for you. good, finally you realised. you can tagg me if youre not happy )
Pigbaby is making me sad. he knows why.
and i know what tio bo is.
AHHAHAHA! chey, nisa pandai seh. thanks to pig baby.
He's a stalker. HAHAHA!
Im his fish in the bottle. So that he could bring me everywhere.
i dont need a fishtank.
Living in a cramp old bottle is better cause id be close to him, Always.
Mama promised that fabregas shirt by next month(:
Cant wait to try it on.
okay, im off.
Hyatt, Iqah and mira. photos will be uploaded at fb.
Mira, aku malas nak share folder. Remeh temeh uh. HAHAA(:
and im not in my best of moood now.
Arsenal's game in 20 minutes time
i miss baby!
im off to drink some milk.
Good night!