I had fun today!
Seriously. Schoool rocks! Ilove Probability. Ask me. Id answer(:
Sucked at mensuration, circle properties and Trigo!
Met Luqman, Panda, Nazim, alif:, Alip and Mira just now.
Wooots. theyre suchhhh COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL people.
i only get to talk to them when we were in KFC! hahaa(:
( cause i was with alif at the 4th level folding paper cranes and doing malay and maths )
Aww, thanks alif ! you made my day, and when you can fold paper cranes, Tell me!
So, they got lubang at KFC. Freee foood.
but i ate just one chicken. SMALL one. AHHA. that was my meal for the day.
i swear. i didnt eat anything. okay, idid, one small fries from panda. AHHAA!
I seriously, wanna meet themmmm again! theyre such cooool people!you'd never get bored.
Alif is sooooooooooooooo kinnnd. (:
never met someone as kind as him ( HAHAHAHAHAHA )
His friend say i look neat . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Lmao!
oh alright, basically thats all.
imisspigbaby alot. ALOT!
Can i have pig baby for breakfast?
no one can beat pig baby,he's just the sweeetest thang on earthh.
okay, im offf. BLASTING OFF.
meet you guys sooooo aite.
oh my, bastard online.