Baby is sooo cute with his new haircut. Guys with this kind of hair Turns me on. ( only apply to fabregas ) HAHAHA!

baby and Gang with the trophy
weee. Arsenal won emirates cup ( expected )
3-0! ( Wilshere Scored in the 2nd minute, Eduardo in the 10th minute and Wilshere again in the 72' minute )
Everyone was in good form Esp Baby and wilshere. Eduardo was goood tooo(:
School was the gas! Oh yes(:
We were having physics and after physics was recess.
The bell rang, and natasha aveiro was like " I love this subject" " chiong all the way " ( it was recess! HAHAHAHAHA! . -.-)
We bought western food and the new aunty cam Slenge And Belo. And we were like, Fan fan. rice rice, Natasha Aveiro came by and shout Nasi Nasi.
HAHAHAHHA! stupid siaaa natasha. I miss her So much!. cause id be cracking all sorts of jokes with her. We made some guitar impersonation. HAHAHA.
we were like, Jejengje jeng. And she would go tiau tiau tiau ( some sort like that uh, you should hear the rhythm , super Nice )
And i'd forever be with my Count on me Singapore Song. HAHAHA(:
I was Damnnnnn so interested and into the lessin during History achievers. I like, know what to answer siaa. Yay me! (:
and i cant stop calling Wan lin-> Si yi pan and disturb Devona with my standard line(s) ," Devona, wheres your skirt? " " why is it on your neck? " i like disturbing people.
Mr Hakim was super shiok! (: ILOVEENGLISH with his presence.
We Can Be ourself. and i can be my usual self. Crazy as ever. HAHAHA(:
I envy Mr hakim as he went to Anfield once, He said the atmosphere Was the Bombb.
And he said, After the match you could wait for the players by their cars.
you could go for tours! WOOOOO's!
OH maaan! emirates, Here i comeeeee! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheeee's!
Mira cant resist temptation ( Seaweed shaker fries )
she saw someone she used to adore much and id personally say, they look as though theyre such two lovebirds. Awwww
Mira lost her footing while going down the escalator. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!
Mannn, i thought side gate would be open, but no. I gotta walk another 200m again. what tragic life. -.-
gonna stay back for art tomorrow! Motivated! (:
Oh alright, since babypig is working now ( AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, youre the Sweetest thing baby ), and i got no one else to message with, i think im gonna chionggg my chemistry.
Handphone's aside for the mean time. Chemistryyyy hereee i comeeeeeeee
I smile randomly and giggled to myself reading baby's CUTE messages(:
Ilovemy classmates alot. theyre the best bunch ever.
We're going for Cat/Kitten hunting next sat with my cousins and aunts(:
WOOOOOO cant wait! IloveKitten(s)/Cat(s)(:
And Dad is like surfing the net for Kitten(s) And Cat(s)
I adored one. With that leopard fur/skin! Super nice siaaaa
I was going home just now, and this malay girl was wearing tudong. She was like hugging and kissing her Boyfriend in public. Gosh, Repent Girl
Okay! toodles(:
Chiong Chemistry,
Mira, Maths ehh!(: