Fadle wants trillion of dollars. so i gave him that. Sweet of me. hahaha!
Aslam is super really nice. Motivating me(: Gave me teka teki questions.
Nicholas is really great, giving me all sorts of inspiration.
Didi is Loving Francesc Fabregas! (:
Elly is such an angel, telling and sharing everything.
but all i want is M to message me. sigh, i miss him.
i miss he's crude jokes. I miss everything about him.
Sigh, m, if you read this, message me will you.
its not that i dont wanna message you, its just that i dont have the courage to.
amira girl rambak wants to buy my dictionary. going for $30 each!
Guaranteed A1 for OLEVELS! hahaa(:My bestfriend assraft is having rugby training.)):
And bestie, i hope you and your gf solve your problem.
spent time with her! okay! Wooooohoooo(:
And i love M,still.
like i tell assraft.
im waiting for Fabregas. (EHEM)
wanna watch Teveeee. (:
update at night!
i want a boyfriend like gu jun pyo!