Art camp was okay. Second day was the best! somehow, i did my work only on the second day of the camp. It did meet my objective for going for the camp, I did at least 4 drawings.
Reached school late as usual. Met mira. had breakfast. And off to art room. I was slacking all day long. Mira and I was like Damning K.Haziqah and Ama said i was super quiet. I guessed i knw why! Serious shit. He was on OUR nerves. Not much happened.at night, i had that urge of going for campfire, Met hajar. Mira, Hajar and i talked shit. and Stupid guy called. Ass.ass. Campfire was Okay. Kindda dull and boring. Wth are all of them are talking about? Serious, it was unorganized to the max. Zhiyu and Bazli even have the time to go to macs.Seee, how boring it is. Ilike the friendship dance much! hahhaa(: Get to dance withh most of my juniors and even my Ci's. It was super great. And Delta called the seniors to join them in their Performance. ahaha! Hajar and i was like .. -.-! that expression explain much doesnt it?
After that, Had our super late shower. Mira waited for Princess nisa. hahahah! And had our SUPER NICE SHOWER. Lepaked at the parade square. Serious, Parade sqaure was warm.
Went to the bunks. Mira and i ate french fries. Kiter due da cam pengutip sampah siaaa.HAHAA.
Thenn i was waiting for dearest to message. but it seems forever. slept at another room instead.
at about 3am, i woke up. Called dearest. And Marilyn tan Chu ling asked to accompany her to take her Macs. Soo, Hung up the call. And dearest went to sleep after that. mira and i had our talk
I slept like a pig. Mira keep trying to wake me up. ahhahaa! Plan tak jadi cause Mastermind da tdo.ahaha! so had our shower and breakfast and off to art room. did some art. And no. Lots of it. Some tragic thing happened. be strong aite haziqah and ama sayang(:
read mira's blog. too paiseyh to write. Aisyah pon jatoh! funny or what eyh? ahhahahaha!
Talked ghost stories. and had lunch, and played soccer. Cher was like, Everyone go art room.
Did my art again. Released at 3pm. Off to Cp bought my bluee contacts. Hell yeah!
Home, rot.
Oh, maybe today i'd doubt going out.
Cause i got no freaking mood thanks to Someone. sigh.
I'd stay patience and wait.
Cause i know, He'd eventually change.
To make him prove it to me that he actually does love me.
I trust and believe that'll he take good care of me.
And im sure of it.
Like he said, the reason why he loves me was that i stayed patience with him.
And yes, i will. i'd patiently for him. I've never doubt his love.
Its just the beginning for the both of us.
Tampines Rovers Vs SAFFC at 7.30pm.
im soo watching it at Football channel!
Hahaha!Im soo rooting for TR Cause Alam shah sayangku is there. Hahahaha!
Happy birthday Afiq black!
Although ive already wished you through the phone, Nevermind!
HAPPPPPPPPY Birthday Bigggg Boy!
And toodles all.
off to watch Tv.