ilovemy twiniee gf's

Sorry for the not so proportional pictures.
Blogger like sial la.
Went out yesterday with my Girlfriends feat Azhar and Mahd, And also my Bestfriend;assraft.
Oh, met at yishun mrt. Was told to meet at 10am, but at last at 11am. Standard, janji melayu.
so, Met azhar, Hajar, Mia and Mira. So, off we go to CITY HALL.Well, assraft da kanchiong.
But we "jatuh" to novena. HAHAA!. waited for the next train to meet mahd. So there was mahd. Reached city hall. And it was my first time meeting my bestfriend assraft. Well, he went into the train. Dead gorgeous. He was in RED. Red ( now is he's favourite colour ). So, gf's feat Mahd and Azhar said hi to him. so he was searching for me. Well, i was sitting by the side. covering my face with my Camera. Well, he spotted me after asking mia( i gueesed)
sat beside me, and gosh, i was shy! serious. Idk why. So talked to him a little. and off we go to marina. HAHAHA! Mia wants go Marina Barrage, Soo off we go to Marina barrage. Id tell you, the bus stop is super cramp and full of people. well, we came, made noise. The bus came, and hahaha, we board the bus despite other people who came first. Naughty Naughty.
Board the bus, sat with omarion. and reached Marina barrage, Tak ade pape siaa sane. Like Mahd aka budak town aka failed 2.4km said. so we went back to Marina, and off to city hall.And and, While in the bus, we sat randomly, And i sat alone. Mahd and scandal. Assraft too. HAHAA! assraft and mahd are two gatal guys! HAHAHAHAHA! We jalan-jalaned and had our super late lunch. Assraft is allergic to CHICKEN. seriously, ayam sedap2 boleh allergic. ahahaha! then off to ljs. Mia and hajazhar went to eat a KFC. Well, Mira and Mahd 24hrs with their fight. endless. HAHAHAA(:
the funny thing was that i bought my food before assraft, asked him what he want. he said no. And guess what? he told the cashier, "the same" . And i was like , -.-! hahaha(:
Slenge sia assraft! He laughed at me. Babi assraft. cause the way i used my knife is unique, JEALOUS. So mira helped me potong my ayam. Mira took assraft's lanyard and gave it to me(:Then off we go to esplanade. Sat at the top, slacked like hell. soo, thats where photo's came rolling. Hahaha. Took tons of pictures. Mira 55 siaa ahhahahaa! And and, rambak came about! Mira girl rambak. Super fierce. we took group photos and i took pictures with assraft. Endless. Mira and Mahd, So sweet. hahaha(:
Well, mira said, she was this amount of money, and she said i was free, Assraft suddenly said" she's priceless" AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! haha(:
Nie baru dikatekan BESTFRIEND! soo, we were super thirsty and went peni to buy our drinks. HAhaha! well, assraft told me people play rugby at the padang there( actually i know) hahaha!
Mira and mahd bought ice blended, assraft and i bought COKE!<33>
Amazing yet true. assraft finished his long time ago. Well, i gave him my bangle since i got his lanyard. And yes, some random guy said i was pretty. Assraft heard it. HAHAHA! Nisa kembang. Wellll..
Soo, parted at city hall due to assraft needed to go back. It was sad. LALALALA.
And bounced back home.(:
I had fun. Serious. Its been quite sometime since i laughed this mad.
Well, but my mind was on M all the way. Well, things doesnt turn out what i thought it would. M is off to Indonesia this monday, Im sure to miss him.
And i miss my Gf's feat mahd and Assraft(of course), Alot.
when can i meet my bestfriend again? Cause when school reopens, it'll be hard for me to meet him as both of us will be super busy with our PREPARATION FOR OLEVELS.
nvm, there's always an AFTER OLEVEL thinggy!(:
and i was stupid, Or not, kiter da boleh ajak iqbal aka hotstuff along! hahahaha(:
And and,
Happpy birthday Dzul angin(:
it seems most of my friends are breaking up. what a trend.(:
eh cb, stupid siaa kau. aku peh pasal uh aku nak ngan sape.
aku tak menyusahkan kau what. Kau ngan aku
da takde pape lagi la cb.
Serious siaa. aku marah gile siaa. Kau merepek uh!
acai Kai, Nisa sorry sangat2 for lying. Serious.
And didi degil , i miss you too small brother!
And assraft, thanks for the day(:
And i gave you bruises didnt i? hahahaha!
i kept to my word. and i sure have smaller hands and feet than you! HAHAHAA(:
And you should know the reason why i love fabregas right? Flabby baby!
And thanks for being there for me when i needed a friend the most. thanks for cheering me up!
And seriously, im heartbroken. IloveM.