Photoshoot of a Footballer. ( WORLD)
Dont know why.
things aint going my way now. Been rather quiet lately.
Had not been talking much ( why am i repeating ? )
I wanna go out so bad but i just dont have the strength to. ( Im tired )
Well. Both days that i intended to go out, was basically RUIN.
Last minute thing! Well, ada hikmah di sebaliknya.
Nehmind, there's always next time.
Maybe Gonna study with Izzat Next week (?)
due to TODAY he's having his oral so he couldnt make it.
he was practically mad. Mad at me. LOL . I didnt do anything. You cant blame me what.
someone's been bragging alot about his bestfriend and this person over here ( Namely, ehem. me )is practically Jealous. Veryy jealous i should say! Super Jealous again. haha!
Idk why im jealous in the first place. Hahaa!
stupid, dumbfounded. Hahaa! Nevermind. Nisa. you should understand.
Oh yes, Im going to buy Kebab Todayy. Ah huh! iloveit. Suke sesangat sangat suke!
Yes, finally i get to end my cravings. Ive been dying for Kebab since idk. And yes, finally.
Kebab, Hereeeeee i come
I was finding my maths notes and i came across my OLD thumbdrive. ( not that old exactly )
it was left abandon 8 months back. Woah, when i browse through folders by folders.
Oh my, i discover alot of things. From Vinatge Faces, My Super long hair( it wasnt super long, but to me, it was long cause im suffering from shortsighted;Nolink) To Girlfriends, Classmates and even Exboyfriend(s) . * Groannn! * ahhhhh!
Well, looking back at those Pictures, made me realise something,
( I GREW TALLER ) <- hahaa!
Well, i look super funeee. With my No kening,Kening. ( there was some, a few strands maybe )
Well, i LMAO. Haha. My sis was Practically jeering at me. She chides me ( SobsOB.)
I miss my old hair somehow, ITS NICE! Wahkauu, my fringge=The sex! I miss that super long hair.
Ni la, stupid , go cut ( at first i thought it was super Rimas, Thats why i go cut ) and im regretting it. Stupid me. hahaa! Takpe, There's always next time. Later lama-lama, akan panjang nya.
so, kena tunggu. hahaa!
Enough about vintage pictures. I might consider to upload some of the pictures.
todays Ss test. Mati laa. help and hindrance, Tak belajar langsung.
So, basically i talked shit and crap at my paper. Basically i was talking shit!
Hahaha. im gonna flunk that paper. flunk punk sunk dunk hunk! haha(:
allright, i wanna layan my favourite boy.
Oooh, he's sweet. Muahhs people.
i wanna go fly kite.