Seriously, super nice.
you guys should check him out. Really.
Boleh jadi gile dengar dia nyanyi.
Online je, go youtube and dgr thaqif nyanyi.
currently, listening to Faizal Isa!
alamak, cuteee pee dia? Haha!
I dont really understand some people la.
Seriously, Kate nak tengok aku happy, beh bile aku happy, kau mcm Sia!@#@$@#%
seriously, Tak masok akal la. Pleaseeee!
I metttt the most sweetest guy on earth just now.
he's flaws=pasir pasir kat beach.
HAHA! endless. And he's creating sins wherever he goes.
But thenn. Aww, he's suchaa love.
Really, that hug. HELPS!
alright. im off toooo listen to thaqif sing.