( the picture was taken to signify Serigala )
Oh hello.
Today marks the last day of the term,
And noo im not gonna enjoy any of it.
My suffering have just begun. Malay o levels paper in 2 days time. And gosh, Im superrrrr duper scared, Oh, Yes, My malay isnt that goood! I realised.
Enough about O's nisa.
you're so Always about studying!
Last day of school and SPORTS AND ARTS CARNIVAL
Well, started the day in a HIGH note.
Seriously, i was super hyper(:
Had our netball match which just suck.
Imagine, 4e10, Vs sec 3 netball players? and The umpire is super BIAS. Stupid lorr, Dont know how to judge uh? Nehmind. I had fun. Crysy said i played well(: hahah! of course i was like KEMBANG uh. Cause short2 also, still can play netball! Lost eventually, so as the Frisbee. but then again, i had fun.
So had the Assembly, Indian dance and MAlay dance; spectacular ( as usual )
And haresh and his bunch of friends were the CUTESTTTT Strawberry shortcakes!
Seriously, they're super cute. Their seniors are much better bbut Haresh's group did well too(:
They're super duper cute! Sheila Hyatt and i started to sing.
Hey monday. Hsm. gee, Alot laa! i cant possibly remember. Seriously, i was like SUPER HIGH.
Ohh yaaa. Sheila and i sang THE CLIMB (:
HAha! sheila and i step as if we can reach those super high notes! hahaa(:
Iloveyoulaa tetek bengkak! HAHA(:
After that, Went home. to change. Didnt get to meet munirrudin AGAIN.
I was super Sad. asked mira my expression when i heard he said he was down with detention.
gee, And talked on the phone with him when he reached home. Aww, super cute laa he. Can i pinch his cheeeks?! okay, whatever eh nisa. So went to the library with mira. And met Nat and met ifah and they both went off, and met Mia and hajar + azhar, but dk where they were.
so talk talk. Gossip Gossip and mira wanted to eat ljs fries. I was super hyper. HAHAA(:
I hold mia's hand; totally LESB! ahhaa(:
and went home after that.
Wait for MUNIRRUDIN to MESSAGE is like asking a meteor to hit earth! AHHAA(:
Oh no, im not exxagerating things, i totally understand him(:
He must be busy doing he's stuff. Im very supportive of my baby!
Okay, He told me to call him, and yes, im gonna call him now!
Ilovegf;s cause they rocks!