Muz treat mia and i movieeeeeeeeeeeee(: Even with his SO called fierce face!
Mia and i were locked out for at least an hour. HAHAHA! and i blame myself for that.
I missed watching the night at the art museum 2. Instead we watch angel and demon.
2 hours and 15 minute show! hahaa(:
Well, it was goood! Cant Deny. Some funny parts. I laughed out LOUD.
thanks for lending me the jackky!(:
Muz treat us to popcorn! hahaha(:
Muz, thank you eh! thats what bestfriends are for. Nehmind, Muz and Mia, the next movie date is on me(: HAHAHA! kay sexyy?
Oh yes, i reached home at 8. cause i forgot to buy things for my mum. rushed to fairprice! thats why i was late.
Today, WHOLE WHOLE DAY. Malay class. 7.50am-12.50pm ! Intensive MALAY!
I failed my paper two again. -.-! how pathetic can i get?
It was boring. I managed to sleep for at least 15 minutes. HAHAHA!
Oh yes. I was pissed with Suffyan! no doubts.
shit attitude!
And munir is such a dear(:
Okay! i got to go! (:
Mia and me guessed the wrong villian!