Oh yes(:
finallly i can smileeee realllll wideee. cause im happpeee! im happeee that i have at least someone who'd cared about me! hahahaa(:
Welll thanksss Afiqq! ( my realllly gorgeous ex boyfriend )
Well, he was funneee, Anddd wee both promised to go to the movies after mid year! cant wait!

Went back home EARLY again.
i wonder why someone is not answering my calls.
And yes, Physics was the shit! i didnt get to study last night1 hahaha(:
most of the time, i was in lalaland! hahahaha(:
Catched up with some notes in the bus. And someone lost his necklace. Bodoo=.="
Brand new somemoreee!
Andd most of the question, i know them hahaha!
Da cam kawan like that! i knowww!
tommorow is a combined of Chem and Phyiscs.
MCQ! Chiong uhhh! imm sooooo not goooa sleep! im full of energy todayy!
Ate KFC like niceee! hahahaha! Jealous? Go and buy it yourself.
And i dont understand why bff doesnt tell their own bff that he/she is with that someone.
What a bitchy thing to do mann!
i should end my post hereeee!
cause i got nothing in myy head.
anddd my sissy, Sec one.
Kene kejar dgn Minah rep!
HHAH. its kindda funny when you think of it! hahahaha(:
He called me Sexy(:
Well, he is too!