Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009
( the picture was taken to signify Serigala )
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Barca to win it.
Behind every Beautiful girl, There'e a Dumbass guy who did her wrong and make
her strong.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
My two bestfriends(:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Tedious. Tedious.
Oh my, IM SUPER HAPEEEE! Hope it'll last.
Life is super sexy! hahahaha(:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
You had my heart
Nat, Lain kali, takmu CONFIDENT.
Monday, May 18, 2009
tikus keluar dari tingkap
NO SCHOOL TODAY. But aint feeling good as today is MARKING DAY. Gosh, Im scared. and tommorow's 19 may. Natty,Mira,Crysy,Prissy, tommorow is the quallifying round for the Street netball! dont forget your pe attire bitchesss!(:
Oh yes, im participating in the STREET NETBALL during our sports and arts carnival! Wooweee(: 4e10 all they wayy(:
Oh yes, Met azwan( peiying primary school senior ). Well, i got no one to teman me to macs, despite being sick, i went out to buy food for my unreasonable sisters. So ajak-ed azwan for 10 minutes ( 10 mintues je ). Supposed to meet at 3.45 but he came at 4.15. gee. 30 mins siol i wait for him! Damnn. Okayy takper, he's sick too! HAHAHA! welll, ade angkong peee jacko? ahhha!(:
Mama and Dad fought again. stupid stupid. fight with each other, the children jadi the victim! irritating per?
Munir taught me PERIBAHASA. tikus keluar dari tingkap! hahahahaha! ( inside joke ) Disturbed me with the 3-1! three one. ( inside joke ) Seriously, Munir memperbodohkan aku! Asshole(: Munir taught me some peribahasa sentences and somehow, He doesnt even know the MEANING. HAHAHA! wth? He even teach me some oral techniques which wont help me a bit! hhaha(: Whatever ehh munir! da laaah suke minahh rep(: Prangai pon cam mat rep(: ahahah! allaalala(:
Okayy! whatever, life's getting exciting(: Seriously, i feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel Happeeeeee! and i dont need you, or you, or even you to ruin it! Im happeeee cause i have friendssss which never fails to cheer me up. Mira.Nat.Ifah.Sheila.Mia.Hajar.Suffyan.Munir.(:
And yes, i wanna be faithful to one. like i told him " you kena kasi i time " well he said, he's okay with it. Ill prove it to you that ill be Faithful to you. Only you aite bby(: Sayanggggg you! He doesnt like me messaging other guys or even go online when he's not! well,im gonna listen to him(: SAYANG YOU MANYMANY LA(:
Oh allright! offff to watch PHINEAS AND FERB! sexyy show! hahaha(:
Kay whatever!(:
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Arsène Wenger believes the “real” Cesc Fabregas
will be back next season. The Arsenal captain saw his season cruelly
interrupted by a medial knee ligament injury just before Christmas that kept him
out for almost four months. Before he sustained the problem, Fabregas had
started the season quite brightly with a goal and four assists in his 15
appearances. But although the Spaniard returned with yet more assists and a
brilliant brace against Middlesbrough, Wenger thinks his skipper will be even
better after the summer. “You will see the real Cesc Fabregas
next season,” the manager said at Thursday’s pre-match press
conference. “He’s not completely [back to his best] yet. That is natural
when a player has been out for three months. It takes him some time to come back
completely. “He is a player who cares about results and nobody comes back
100 per cent. You cannot care and not be affected. “I believe he has been very
strong mentally, resolute and determined. He has given as much as he can. He is
the new captain and has learned his job. “You will see Fabregas in good
form next season.”
Oh yes(: Man utd won the premier league again. Well, arsenal isnt in the losing end. Man utd deserve this title this season. But aint next season. I congratulate every man utd fan i know in this world. and yes, they were happy. Overjoyed! Not to mention, my house, Well. my brother and sister was like. Ahhh! man utd win! while my liverpool fan sister cried. Well, there goes liverpool dream of bringing the title back home.
Last night, my temperature reads to a 38.6c! and yes, ive yet to see a doctor. So well, dont get near me if you happened to see me! hahaha(:
Oh alright, i got nothing to blog about. Maybe going to Kakak maria's chalet later!
Sakit2 still want to go out. Nie laa(: hahahha! kay whatever. Yishunites aint schooling tmrw! how cool can it get? But most probably, ill be at home with my dad. Gee, Lifes a bore with him at home! Dang! offf to watch television! bye bye(:
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Sometimes, you get this feeling as if you're way behind your friends.
Friday, May 15, 2009
I was tired, so i sleep! =.=!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A Post(:

Went back home EARLY again.
i wonder why someone is not answering my calls.
And yes, Physics was the shit! i didnt get to study last night1 hahaha(:
most of the time, i was in lalaland! hahahaha(:
Catched up with some notes in the bus. And someone lost his necklace. Bodoo=.="
Brand new somemoreee!
Andd most of the question, i know them hahaha!
Da cam kawan like that! i knowww!
tommorow is a combined of Chem and Phyiscs.
MCQ! Chiong uhhh! imm sooooo not goooa sleep! im full of energy todayy!
Ate KFC like niceee! hahahaha! Jealous? Go and buy it yourself.
And i dont understand why bff doesnt tell their own bff that he/she is with that someone.
What a bitchy thing to do mann!
i should end my post hereeee!
cause i got nothing in myy head.
anddd my sissy, Sec one.
Kene kejar dgn Minah rep!
HHAH. its kindda funny when you think of it! hahahaha(:
He called me Sexy(:
Well, he is too!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I dont like living under your spotlight
I wonder why i still end up being the stupid one.
I may be called the biggest idiot in the whole wide world. Imma stupid to think that he truly loves me.
But actually he doesnt. I might be just over you. But no, i might not be THAT gullible. I just dont know whats best for me. I guess let everything in god's hands? Maybe a mistake i did. To trust your love.
Kierran gibbs is a good defender. A replacement of Gael clichy(: Toure gy mampos!
Monday, May 11, 2009
I dont quite remember what happened next
Ilovemy friends.
and i miss m.
Seriously, dimanakahhh dirimu ?
And udin brother sang NICEEE GILEEEEE
Damnn, The voice inside my head.
Din made me wait, As usual.
F him!
I miss suffyan!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Im Jealous of Natty's Facebook dp! She's Sizzling asssss hot siaaa. I swearrr!
Udin tengah prangai Sekarang. Keep talking about Kimi. Oh what the hell.
Jealous cakap jealous uh udin(:
(in the Afternoon )
If only i could turn back time~NineNovember.Id cherished. Id Believed.Id treasure.But ive lost it. no point thinking about the past and its a lesson learnt for the present and future to come.Im not making the same mistake. But nah, love?Define it. Prove it. We'll see. God is wonderful, he gives second Chances. If only i was faithful.But hell yeah, i am now.
We've got differences. But im sure, it aint a reason why we cant fall in love. I believe, He'll be the best(:
toodles love!
Everything changes. Even Telephones. things wont stay as it is.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Okayy! i got to go and layan this CRAZYYY ASSS.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
in the daze
i love Francesc Fabregas(:
2 more days to the very awesomee biggg gammee(:
Did i mentioned that Tomorrow is Francesc Fabregas birthday? He's turning 22 people(:
Just finished editing suffyan's blog. and im jealous big TIME. He's blogskin is nicer than mine! AHHAHAHA(: Whatever laa. tak pasal(:
thats all! Love it(:
I miss h.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Not being random;
Like Suddenly, i miss that person whom i once call; my boyfriend