On Cesc
Fabregas’ match-winning role…“He gets sharper and sharper in every game.
was out for three months and you don’t come back at your best
away. But
now he gets better in every game. Every player who
plays in
midfield, who thinks
they are creative and offensive, needs to
score goals.
That happened to him
today and that’s important."On keeping Ronaldo relatively quiet…“I think Gibbs had a very good game again today. He is a very promising full-back."
OOoooooooh, School = Monotonous.
Relief;English and Chemistry
Recess;FULLLLLLLLLL! Crystal and me were like " Comparing our BLOAAAATED stomach "
Art;Boredom! i even went to sleep. Imagine 2 hours in the art room just draw. HAHAHAA
Combined humanities;Sleeping mode. Jun rong and me was like SLeeping throughout Videos
Extended lesson;Active! Cause it physics people! I was like doing the pratical " Semangat-ly "
How to find density? Find the mass of the liquid. Find the volume of the liquid. Divide mass over volume to find Density of the liquid.
NOT badd ehh nisa! hahahahaha(:
After that, met my suffy,
Slacked with nat and mira.
After that, Temankan mira go popular. HAhaha! And i swear, i'm like SOOOO kecoh.
Skali .... Datang. Skali .... Pimpn tangan pmpn. Skali ..... Ade ehh.
HAhaha.check2 abang diaaa pulaak! (:
Went back home with my darlingg(:
My english mye! Golly, the paper one = Okay okay! I guessed, my class will do very bad in paper one section 2. Most thought it was a proposal, okay, at first i thought it was but as i was reading, it wrote , " write a formal letter " So i used the format.Some of my classmates got the wrong format. some was even in tears.
Paper 2 = DIE! i guess will flunk my summary big time. I dont even know what the hell the passage is talking about! Stupeed. ahhahhaa(:
Had my oral. And Hasrin anak iblis was like my invigilator. Ass. hahaha(: Swayy! but he's a goood invigilator! Seriously hahaha(: After Oral, follow mira back home. Changed, and met sheila,nat.ifah cam shortly but went off after that. Sheila; Kite bili makan and air. AHHAA BILI pe? ahhahaha! Saggitariun. hahaha! confident siaak nie pmpn. ahhha! sheila FANATIC habis. ahahhaha!
took pictures;See muz's blog. HAHAA(:
and i love them alot! ilovesheila.mira.nat.ifah(:
Wonderrerrr girlrrlrrllrlrlrs/.
Currently, listenting to how fiq sings! NICEE SIOL.GO to yuyul blog, listenn. hahha! haizair spoilt one if the songs! ahaha(: should gooo wand watch the video! ahahha(:
muz loves mimie. AHAHAHAAHAH(:
And ilovesuffy.
Not much to say, Nites.