Sigh, eveything have ended.
Today was our LAST game. Against bowen Sec.
We drawed, Tak kalah eh bowen!
And We played our best ( hasrin said ).
Sighh, That was seriously our last game.
No more b div leagues. No more. Last game.
When you think of it, its been 2 years since i joined Soccer girls.
We got 4th for the past two years.
We didnt get to go for the semi's due to GOAL DIFFERENCE eh.
Sighh, Takper. i'll miss playing soccer with my girls.
Soccer really brings the laughter/smile in me.
Gosh, i love my girls to the maximum.
Everyone planning to go to school with the DIADORA socks we got during our friendly.
Well, Kindda long, but for the girls, Aper aper boleeh!
Cant believe, No more tournament, No more friendly, No more games. No more.
But yeah, good things gotta come to an end.
2 years in soccer wasnt a waste at all! Since the first day i played, my position was a fixed one.
Center mid. I remembered vividly, my first game is at Zhenghua Sec. I dont know anything and hasrin gave me that position. till this day, its been the same. I learnt alot and meet new people.
From zhenghua field to teachers network field to yishun field to queensway field to Republic poly field to Woodlands field to Dei yi field to Siglap's Field. Sighh, memories! Aku tak leh luper siol.
I love Izal, Spark, Kid, Sheila, Ifah, Mia, Hajar, Ana, Atikah, Ayu. Nt forgetting Ilaa and nana(:
If only i could freeze time, i wanna freeze the time i spent with my soccer girls and our games.
I love my team mates.
.Sheila yellow card paling classic ( Watch your mouth )
.Mr.Hasrin treat us to kama After every game
.The time izal and me stand in the middle of the field to prove sape lagi fierce.
.The cheers ( yishun, YISHUN! PISANG! )
.Umbro boots to Adidas boots ( thanks Hasrin )
.Republic poly game ( artificial field )
.Mia star player ( Maosk for one minute beh injured ) AHAHAHAHAHA!
.When mia and me came late for our match. ( Got scolded )
.I scored during the Tamp Game ONLY.
.Ifah and me cant stop with the WATCH YOUR .....
.Jersey number 4.
.bonding. YAW YAW YAW!
Should have more.
when i know more, ill just update it.
Ilove my soccer girls.
I love suffyan too!
Arsenal is th' best!