Oh yes, See that? My baby! Ohhhh. My fabby baby!
Seeeeee that captain band around him?
Golly, nisaaaa nisaaa.
Today was quite okay as MY family gossip pasal satu topic yang maot,
Minah reps.
AHHAHA! i know, what a topic to talk about, but we were bored , so we talked about them.
Hahaha! that life spirit bag, that nike slippers or was it addidas?, the dickies, the yak pak, Cotton on, Kening tinggi tinggi sampai langit, Kening got colour, hair terang benerang, makeup kalah geisha! hahahaahaha(:
HAHAA! oh yes, thats minah as what my family talked about.
HAHAHA! Funneh!
thenn home suhweeeet home.
I noticed, ive beeen an ass quite lately.
example, like what i did to Suffyan.
Keep throwing all sorts of vulgarities at him.
And strangely, he was calm.
WAAAAAA, what an ass. Still can relax when aku da melebih.
HAHAHA! idk what went into me or i know what went into me.
HAhaha, Pertama kali, akuuu JEALOUS sioll.
Peh rabak. Whatever laaa, Suffyan bukan nyer matair aku ke aper.
So i dont have the rights to get jealous and what sort laa.
Aper yang aku tahu, aku sayang kan dia da cukop.
And Schooooooooooooooool is tommmmorrroww.
yet to do my malay compo.
Cikgu liyanah is sure to killlllll me.
HAAHA! Sorryaeeeeeeee cikguuu ku sayangg.
Anddd i get to skip MATH and Combined humans!
I got soccer match, and idk what school we gonna meet.
Maybe siglap or bowen.
and if its bowen, We'll play like dogs.
HAHAAH(: tak kesahhh laa aper2 nak jadi,
The ball is roundd! Anything can happened pe!
Soo Tak bermakne, Bowen menang last year, we cant defeat them!
And seriously, Bowen is getting reall cocky! Oh takper, Kiter tgk saper yang kalah di padang nanti(:
Andddd i wannaaaaaaaaaaaa bring that fat indian( no offence to indians ) DOWN as she injure me last year. But sheeees bigg, im sooooo small. hahaha! takper aku rebel girl(:
I love yishun sec and berdoa laaa kepada tuhan yang kiter tak akan tewas di padang nanti.
Seriously, 70 minutes. anything can happen(:
Should i privatise my blog?