Nat And Sheila And Mira just went back from my house! we were doing our "CDL PROJECT"
But ass, I think 80% of the time we were like browsing the net. hahaha! but we managed to do up till 6 slides! Quite alot kay! Hahaha(:
while doing, we web cam-ed at nats NEW lappy ( girl, by the time mira and i bought our lappy, yours like da berlapok; but love the Volume part ! Hahaha(: )
We Web cam-ed with Jun yuan. cool or what! He said my house looks GREEEN! hahaha(:
Nature uhh! i support earth hour. Cheyp<- ( Macam satu orang nie )! HAHAHAH(:
Suke siaa nisa kutok orang habis habisan.
Met up with my suffy yestd. At woodlands. Oh yes, it was Superrrr boring. Mira peh idea uh nak gi woodlands, When There's nothing at all. At last, spent most of the time at macs. LOLOLOL!
We blog hopped using the PSP through ain's account! Hahaha(: Thanks ainnnnnn! suffy and me took the bus back home, drop off at yishun and walked back to khatib, peh pandai eh kite due. padahal, the bus can stop at khatib, nie laa, takde kejer! Sooo we sat down for while cause baru pukol 6. When off to meet my sissy at 7. Met her, Went home. my parents had a tiff, Pfft!
Arsenal lost to chelsea. takper, Fa cup jee. hahaha(:
I miss my sayang alot. And we're like not in good terms now. Sigh, Sad sad Sad.
all i want in the world now is to be hapeee with him. ILOVESUFFY! SUFFYSUFFY in my head!
But maybe, i should just dream on. oh no, this aint another EMO post. God, when's the day that things will eventually get better? I miss us loads. i miss us to the maximum. Let god decide FATE.
I cant wait to meet my buds tomorrow!(:
i miss my 4e10 LOADS. I miss my suffyan to the max. i miss him alot.Alot kay!
im super inlove with the song " the climb" by miley cyrus. super ass nice.
My internet is giving me problems. Its like forbiding me from chatting with my suffy.
What to update?
meeting bowen SECONDARY tomorrow!
and yes, yishun girls are gonna play their ass off.
They lost to siglap 5-0.
We wont admit defeat till the last whistle. and for sure, Yishun will give our best to beat bowen.
Mr hasrin, we'll make your proud. We wont disappoint you. Im sue we wont.
Ilove my soccer girls.
And i love suffy.