Did i mention fabregas scored 2? Well, he did.
Its been quite a while since he last scored a goal.
i think the last was last year? Hahaha.
My fabby's the best!
Went For art class. I woke up late, Waited for mira, Reached art room at about 10?
Went off for physics at 11 plus. Reached late. Missed my lessons about WAVE! Ass. but but, I managed to understand it by doing my OWN revision. Chey chey. Nisa siaa.
In the afternoon, met suffy(:
And mira and nat.
Took picturesss(:
HAHAA, aku jadyy photographer nat.
cheyp. Whenn wanna go haji lane or china town to take pictures niee babe?
i went back home at 9.
Stay home sunday.
School is school.
Boring as ever. Thought there was no CH achievers, but yeah, we had one.
Ass. Till 4 in school.
it was a tedious day for me.
Which is today, school ends at 3. Went back home.
Muz got his NECKLACE BACK. but i go and take it!
Im having my first MYE paper tomorrow.
Its english people. Goshh, Next week, Its a EXAM WEEK.
There's still time for me to catch up on things.
Im having my english prelim's oral tmrw too.
Goshh! i hate oral. i have the tendency to forget my WORDS.
And ill bee like, Err. err, somemore got what eh?
hahahhaa! kay random. I gottttaaa be myself, BUT talk proper ENGLISH!
Read his blog, Damnn sweet! (:
keep smiling to myself while reading. is that him? ahahaha!
well, Man utd Vs Arsenal game is on thursday morningg!
OOOOOHHH, Nisa and Suffyan akan jadii enemies for that part of time je!
Ilovehim to the max. and seriously i hope. things will get better of us eventually.
gotta keep my fingers CROSSS!
anddddd just hope, things will get better, MUCHH BETTER.
i know, i start all those fights.
nisaaa troublemaker laar siol.
Muzaqqir loves mimie. ahahhaa(:
he said that. He was OVER JOYEDD when he got his neckky back cause it symbolizes him and her.
Muz is my bestfriend; Dia gerek sekali! hahaha(:
Im off.
Zair, You gottta paaass malay!
niselle ( i wanna be suffyan's Official Babygirl )
Boy, gosh, its gonna be 2 months since we left each other.
I still cant forget the memories we once share together.
All those good times we had, All those nights when we met.
When you cried on my shoulder, when you hugged me real tight.
When you kiss me goodnight, the feeling is just right.
When you sacrificed your sleep to be with me,
When i'm with you, i get to be whoever i wanna be.
Those Cotton-On Jokes.
Remember those times we cried on the phone to just tell each other how much we love each other?
How we sacrificed our sleep to talk on the phone which ended at 6am.
How'd you waited for at least 3 hours to meet me.
The first kiss you gave me.
Those endless MOVIES.
Sigh, i miss those.
I know, everything have ended.
But every girl can dream, dont theyy?