Yes, im blogging. One more hour to see my Fabregas play! hahaha(:
I missssed him Damn ass much!
Honestly, Today = WorstDay Of My Life.
My stupid sissy's made this day a terrible one. thanks alot.
Was supposed to go shopping with mama.
Pasal sissy's, sume Cancel.
I was seriously pissed. Seriously, i even shed a tear.
thanks to gurmit singh and it okay joke,
i managedddd to laugh! thankss ehhmuzaggay!
after that, i called suffy! oh yes, he was the one who made made me smile this WIDEEEEE!
We fought, and yes, we're okaay once again(:
How Sexyyyyyyy is that?
suffyan is soooooo Sweeet, Suffyan is sooooo cute.
anyone, Beat that?
takde orang lebeh sweeeet, lebeeeh cute dari suffyan.
b, would you ever feel embarrased or uncomfortable being with me or regret being with me ?
Definately no. Why should i feeel embarrased ?
Why should i feeel uncomfortable?
why should i regret?
no baby, never in a million years.
I feeeel soo different nowadays.
I feeel unsure about myself.
I feeel as if, im not Myself.
Life is fun. life is Happpeee! life is the best(:
Hahaha, ILOVELIFE cause suffyan asked me to!
Yes, he taught me lots of life changing stuff(:
I feeeel enlightened!
I misss my 4e10, esp my jia qian!hahaha(;
Im sorry sayang for being unfaithful.
im sorry, ive mend my ways,
Ive change!
Muz is starting his crap about muzalip sanchi.
IT OKAY! what wrong with you?
ILOVEMuhammad suffyan bin ahmad!