Paintball was the shit! i had fun! Seriously. Mr yeung, I want the photo's! haha(:
We look so cooooool! I never kena hit seyhh! Cheyp! It was and ass fun game! We were entitled with 50 paintballs! anddd Shit, i finish everything in less than a minute ( Feeling counter strike uh )
My group consist of Zhi yu, Me, Hajar,Bazli,Ilias. The objective is to take the flag and bricks. But kiter pehh slenger. concentrate more on SHOOTING ! hahaha(:
It was held at bottle tree park by red dynasty! Seriously, Paintball was the shit! hahaha(:
How many times must i repeat it? Stupeeeed! ahhahaa(:
School was school! I was nearly late for school! AKu da mandi pukol 5.30. thinking when i wake up, i can siap2 beh keluar. tersadar at about 7. Hahaha! Guess how kecoh the house was. Everyone was like shouting at each other. Hahaha! my mum cant stand the Kecohness and continued sleeping. Hahaha!
I made in on time to the bus stop. HAhaa(: MenTossss!
Anddd if i could remember, it was at the Yishun mrt bus stop, some indian woman scarf was entangled to my was funny cause i was like kanchiong nak duduk behh the scarf was caught.
Haahaa! funneh! Reached school early despite 7 am baru sedar ! Cheyp! nisaa paa!
Anddd art ,Mr selvam wasnt in shcool !hahaha(:
It was rather quiet. I did some pictures of rose and add colours in them. look like wallpaper sak! hahaha(:
Mira did her turkey NICELY. A job well done to you mira! ahhha!
devona's gonna curse mira if she gets a distinction in art. hahahaha!
Anddd im just at my 2nd page ! We're supposed to finish 8 pages by the end of april.
nisa, you gonna fail your mid year art.!
Andd ive really work my sock off for chemistry and physics!
Seriously, they're the best!
i cant stop doing physics. Seriously. i enjoy doing em(:
Gimme and dynamic, work, power energy, kinematics, questions, nisa is sure to help!
Without doubts. ahaha! physics only ! cheyp.
Oh yaa, mum got a job at post office at bishan! cooool pe.
Tomorrow, some suria people coming to my house as my mama will be sponsoring her goodies for an upcoming drama or what shit . ( idk )
Azlan recommend her! So yeaah. Meeting that bitch tommorow. Its been ages. i miss sooo gonnaaaaa gossip! got lots to tell him!
Saturday is a studyyyy dayy!
at 8 having art class.
after that, maybe go and study with my 4e10's!
Cool shit !
Arshavin gave liverpool a hard fight!hahaha(:
He alone score all the 4 goals for arsenal. Serious shit!
He's dangerous. someone whom you dread to defend when he gets the ball! hahaha!
Even riera cant beat him, Carrager too! hahaha(: Walcott wasnt selfish and gave Arshavin the chance to score. Socccer is about being as a team! Just like my wonder girls! Serious shit!
man utd got their 3 points after winning yestd's game.
2-0. Rooney and Carrick!
oh whatever. ahaha(:
Champs league is getting closer.
Arsenal meeting their ALL time rival's.
Man utd(:
Tough fight, good clubs.(:
Serious shit. All will give their best.

MY wonderboy is the most sexiest guy alive!hahaha(:
Wished i could eat him. Cause he look soo tasty!
HE's fatter than me ( ahhahaha )
Serious shit! hahaha(:
Muhammad suffyan, ILOVEYOU!