every single day, i keep falling harder for you. never mind if u never did like talk t me or what soever. even tho u did go online and talk to people without talking t me, i didnt mind. i kept the flame alive. i seriously like you alot! thats why im like this. idk why u made that decision, but if youre happy with it. so be it): im used to people doing this to me. so its okay. all everyone did is to think about themselves and nvr think bout how others did feel. just like you and me. we both think about how we feel but never did try to understand what others am thinking. thanks for being a bitch(: now i know why people hates bitches, cause why? they hurt. and wanna know something? every single day, id listen t every song u have ever dedicated to me thinking it will all work out. every single time i pray, i pray to god that he'll bless us. but sigh. this is fate. im crying like one dog right now. its been quite sometime since i cried this bad. the last was when i was with luqman but that was like super far back approx 7 months ago?nevertherless, its your decision by doing so. im still gonna keep this flame alive and hope things will be alright soon. i dont mind the wait. cause why? you're worth it. <2
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
met luv, asraff n' his gf. it wasn't great. terrible things happened.
i'm shagged. i can't stop singing and i'm gonna work overtime tomorrow and the next few days.
that traceyinny wedges is so in my "I Want List".
&&i'm in need for those faded jeans. sighhhhhhhhhh. i gotta wait. no more cash siaaa)':
get to meet baby next week sia. k best.
gonna stop working next wednesday. then i'm free to chillax, meet my friends all. yay me.
then my pay will be like Super ALOT^^ haahahahhahhahaha.
k byebye.
i love luqman bin mohd dahlan.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
luv kept "di siao-ing" me. Can't wait for saturday^^
hope luv ain't giving me any other reasons/excuses. What to wear ehhhhhh?
am gonna stop working at th end of march. oh alrite. will update on saturday then.
bbq later on. ooh my. i'm drooling for diy fooods. hahaha.
i miss luv and miss my girls.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
i feel so cheated. i feel so used. shake this feeling off. stupid past. you suck.
i need to shop. cause shopping is my remedy. i luv you boyfriend cause you're amazing.
i need my boyfriend warm hugs. yes, that'll help too.(:
gotta work today. urgh, i dread to work. work is dreadful. uhhhh. gonna buy that pants later. i hope. and maybe , i'm gonna meet cotton on and fox. haha. luv you. i wanna cut my hair. ahh. decisions. i hate this. gonna go out wiv luv this saturday like at last and shopping date wiv nur amira on friday, k, cepat la friday and saturday!!
fabregas, i need you. haha.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
k. da lama tak update.
Been really busy wiv work. heh, excuses siaa nisa.
I miss my girlfriends alot. ALOT mind ya. Ohh. Ohh. Happee birthday boyfriend.
Watch-ed my name is Khan wiv me family. superb mayne:D
&& now, its like 12.50am, i just have this sudden urge to shop siaa. Grrzxc.
Luqman's gonna kill me. Heh.
Oh yes. Went shopping again just now. Sorry guys cause i made you guys wait on me.
Heh. I love you Forever 21. Fox, Miss Selfridge, Dr Martens, Uniqlo meet you guys soon k. I love you guys too. you too cotton on. hahaha
when i go shopping, i won't be bringing luqman along causeeeeeee he won't allow me to buy anything. Grr. K, i better shop like mad FAST. haha. April is soon. Soon is April.
school starting soon. Can't wait. i Just missing being in a school wiv students. hahaha. L.A.M.E(:
Okay, is this long enough? err, yes! hahaha.,
I'm off to hit the sack. hoping to meet luqqqqqqq later.
Till then. haha. And i'd update my blog in a few days time k.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
i miss you hair.
i gotta stop spending my money. haha. my closet is full of clothes now. *gulp*
Aaron ramsey broke his leg. Omg. i cried mayne. Haha.
Work is tiring. i miss my girls. sigh. we no longer meet nor get updates from each other kan?
nevermind, everyone's busy. (:
I gotta shop for school bag, school shoes.
and that red vans shoes, is mine:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
And b, lets go flash and splash, i wanna buy that volcom shirt:D
Aston villa gonna win today!
And i'v updated my blogshop. Do support and i'm like some cotton on freak.
I have tons of clothes/beanies/cap/shorts from cotton on. Can bukak own branch! haha.
uniqlo here i come, see you on monday. i'm gonna buy you super nice v neck shirt(;
Friday, February 26, 2010

baby took my 200 away. *SOBS* he's refraining me from shopping. haiyo.
i need new shorts/skirts/slippers/sandals/shoe/and that volcom shirt. Alamak, suke aku.
i love to shop.(:
The past keeps haunting. The future is always changing. The present is hurting. Tell me about it.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I won't be updating that much. My internet is giving me hella of problem, am trying to figure it out.
I dread to shop la. haiyo.
Basically, nothings up wiv life. just th normal routine. I need to relax mayne. I hardly any time for myself to like seriously REST and stay at home for one whole day. Pay day is today and its way lesser than i thought it would be. Grrr.
alright, TOODLES
and its nine months. He's yet to wish. sigh
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Im gonna be on hiatus for the next few days/weeks.
Some probs cropped up/i'm busy wiv my own life too.
There are tons of pictures to be uploaded. But i'd just post some. V lazeee.
Mira, al, luqman and myself celebrated my birthday at downtown. Well, I waited for them for like, 3 hours? haha! They surprised me wiv a cake. Awwww. Love you guys loads.
Then We just catch up on each others life. And i miss mira and nat. Well spent on th eve of my birthday.
Met baby th next day and we spent quality time together. And he bought me a necklace. Ngawww.
He treated me to haagen-dazs icecream. DIVINE:D
Then we bought those long candies. DIVINE:D And some salesperson gave me a nail buffer for free. :D DIVINE.
then went over to town to meet mira. And baby treated me to cotton on!:D DIVINE.
I love him. I love life. Thanks b!:D
Met isk. Watch movie. FUN! A year since we met. HAHA! Thanks small boy!:D
Thats all. Enjoy the pics:!D TOODLES.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sigh. I can't take this anymore. We've been fighting for like a week? approx.
I need a break. All i think about is you, rusydi anak azman.
baby and i had a Reversi Game just now. ohmee. i had fun. baby look v cute when he's serious.
haha. Luv you b. Muaaah :x!
K bye.
i miss my girls alot. siggggggggggggggggggggggh
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Gee. I don't understand some people. For goodness sake, you already have a MATE and you can still think of loving another person? Urgh. Then there's this someone who thinks he/she is some Mr/Ms perfect. Oh cmon people. Grow up will ya?
I'm not in good terms wiv my v good people. Sigh. I love my boyfriend cause his the best.
& i get to meet him tomorrow. Weeeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:D
And my phone is ready for collection and i've lost each and every of my friends numbers.
Ps; i don't even remember my boyfriend's number. HAHA.
&& i find myself having the urge to shop for clothes EVERYDAY. I need a new earpiece. A NEW SHOE.*MUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* That oxford heels. and moreee clothes.
Oh yes. new bag too:D
And i can't wait for pay day! Oooooooooooooooooh. B, Lets go shopping!:D hehehehheehheh!
for sure he'd kill me.haha!:D
Toodles. Off watching Th game:D
Friday, February 5, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Oh, i'm sick. I thank boyfriend for passing the disease to me! haha! i love you b!
I love working at my aunts shop cause its super relaxing k. All i do is to serve people and thats it.
Its like an hour job and i get paid 20 bucks for it. I just hate the distance. its tedious.
And i made many new friends while working. K great! MY birthday is like in 11 days time!
basically, there's nothing else to blog about. My life is boring. And im gaining weight, I swear.
and im getting darker too! Grrr.
K bye!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
contemplating what route to choose. Sighs. Life ain't that easy right?
I need a new mind set. I need to change. I know, i gotta work hard for all this cause i can't expect things to happened by itself right?
I've disappoint two of my very best parents in the whole wide world. And i don't wish to disappoint them any further. Mum and dad, i know you'd be reading my blog, i just wanna say that i love you guys alot! Sigh, and thanks mum for yesterday's Long talk.
Is it wrong to pour out all my feelings to you? Its not that i'm unsure of your feelings towards me, its just that i feel that way. I'm neither blaming you nor accusing you of all those things. Cause i know, you're not that kind of person. Is it a sin to tell you how i feel? then whats the purpose of me having a boyfriend when i can't even let out my feelings to you? Only god knows, this strong and overwhelming feeling i have for you. You may say you know me best, but actually, you're nowhere close to it. I'm crying like a big baby right now. IF only you know how i feel. I need you so bad right now. I really do.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Usually. I would be contented to blog about my life but basically, all i can think off now is to rant out everything. Urgh, Everyone has their limits to understand something or someone right?
I don't always get things to go my way. Urgh! How irritating can things get? Easy for you la.
all you'd say is "hope you understand"! URGH! Let me tell you this LUQMAN, I'm not those girls who often do this UNDERSTANDING thing, Urgh. BULLSHIT la. once in awhile, fine by me.
But always? Just Urgh!
i vision myself doing stupid stuff. Maybe i should. BYE.
I don't always get things to go my way. Urgh! How irritating can things get? Easy for you la.
all you'd say is "hope you understand"! URGH! Let me tell you this LUQMAN, I'm not those girls who often do this UNDERSTANDING thing, Urgh. BULLSHIT la. once in awhile, fine by me.
But always? Just Urgh!
i vision myself doing stupid stuff. Maybe i should. BYE.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Arsenal will be meeting stoke tomorrow and most prolly i'm not able to watch it cause i'd be outs.
Working life have been really tiring. I swear. Can i not work anymore? sighh. will be working till end of march! and my pay day is this wednesday! yesaaah:D! i'm gonna buy myself a new shampoo. Erk? hahha. and spend my money on this dress i've been dying and killing for.
I miss my girls, it feels as though we've not met for like years siaa. We so gotta meet up real soon. And i just remembered. Today is our 8 months. I hope asraff remembers.
I miss my boyfriend alot. I can't wait to meet him on monday, I hope. B tgh marah kat aku. HAHAA. Cute la you baby. Sayang youuu. Muaaaah!
the reason why i changed my blogskin yet again its because there's tons of people using the same skin as mine so i decided to change.
I'm gonna get sick real sooon)': Sighhh,
I gotta blast! i wanna text my boyfriend. HAHAHAHAA
toodles! and somehow, my tagboard is like super silent. haha!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Basically, i'm bored to death right now. baby went offline and i got nothing to do. Supaa lazy wanna layan Nick. haha. vehry irritating.
Working life have been really tiring. Oh my god, i gotta wake up darn early and travel all the way to pasir ris EVERY SINGLE DAY! Thank god that every Tuesday and Wednesday baby able to sent me to work! Oh my, thanks b:D And i get to go back home with him every monday, Wednesday and Friday! kay best!:D more time spent eh dear.
I just can't wait for pay day cause i've got a list of things to buy and i gotta save up for Someone's gift:D haha!
alright, i wanna hit the sack, i gotta wake up early and heh, baby's gonna sent me to work.
* and dad said that luqqy selenge. hahaha! omg, so cute!:D
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Good relationships balance over time.
This means that at any particular point in time, the relationship may appear quite unbalanced: One partner may be more nurturing; one may be more needy; one may be providing all the financial support, etc.
But if both partners are loving, understanding, giving, dedicated and flexible, then the relationship can handle all kinds of ups and downs, and still be strong, exciting and, yes, romantic.
The best relationships are well balanced.
Not a delicate balance; not a static balance- but a dynamic ever-changing balance.
Sigh. I'm down. Gonna start working tomorrow and most prolly i'm gonna work almost like everyday. No time for myself)':
And Luqman my love, i'm not gonna let you go no matter what. NEVER WILL I. sigh.
I love you boy.
finally, i get to buy myself some new clothes and am patiently waiting for my sweet cousin to buy me a new shoe cum birthday present cum O's present. ha ha!
Okay, met dididegil to do his dnt and met luqman too. Wanted to go to granny's but the plan was canceled. Azlan's family came over and we talked shit. :D Thats when i was being offered with a job! ha ha, lucky me. Hope to meet didi again on monday. HA HA. i Miss's him already.
it feels strange messaging luqman. Its like, I'm not used to him. Well, every R/s have their own problems and sadly, I'm going through mine. Sighh)': i want all this to end real soon.
4 more days to our freaking cool 2 monthsary. I hope to like meet him after work cause pasir ris and tamp ain't that far right? haha.
off to hit the sack!
gotta wake up early.
DO support my blogshop aite:D
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
met my boyfriend. another 5 more days to our 2 monthsary! omg, cepat eh b? haha!
get free chicken from LJS from one of the crewmates ( idk him) haha!
And i <3 boyfriend. Thanks for the day! he kept telling me how pretty i look today. HAHAHA:D
Actually, i kembang laaaaa b
I wanna work. Any lubang anyone? SIGHH! nisa is cashless and she wants to shop!
luqman jahat cause he sleep super early and leave me all alone. SIGH!)':
Sometimes, you just can't solely trust someone by their words.
I realised something today and it caught my attention. I even cried upon discovering that cold hard truth. My past was based on nothing but lies. sigh.
Meeting my love later. Love is meeting me later. i miss love miss me.
Oh yes, i so wanna shopshopshop :p but i'm cashless right now)':
I've got a list of items to buy! ALOT mayne! I need a new wardrobe cause mine is =.-
TOODLES. update at night.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Met my boyfriend. Boyfriend met me at 7.30am in the morning. HAHA!
I Love you sayang, i really do.
Bored to Death at home. Death is bored. HAHA.
I miss my bestfriend. Literally he's free but i just can't stop worrying about him.
I gotta keep to the promise that i'd take good care of him. And i will. Don't worry aite?
Bestfriend, do text me often alright?
And i gotta go. Mum's waiting for me!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Went out! best:D bought nothing. NOTHING i tell you. SAD)':
Currently chatting with sergio ramos and he's tryna chill me down a little cause tomorrow is results day. AHH. Thanks eh Sergio Ramos:D i miss dididegil alot siaa.)':
I don't know whats up with my boyfriend. grr. Its okay, tak nak layan? tak pasal. i love you b.
Omg, results= tomorrow. SIGH, i wanna faint. OMG.
I gotta chill. Bo confidence mayne. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHS.
And i'm gaining weight, i gotta lose em weight mayne! )': and i'm happee cause my hair is starting to grow! yay me,:D long hairLonghair.
i wanna text my boyfriend. and hopefully, get to like sleep? HAHAHA!
I'm Terribly bored and i seriously got nothing to do. I'm gonna make a blog shop. Do support alright? Its a combined blog shop with NATASHA:D
WE need the CASH!Arsenal draw-ed against Everton. Its okay. We're still in the game:D
Hoping that Man utd And Chelsea will somehow screw their games and so that we'd all be the same.
boyfriend gonna call me after man utd game=.- , Game will probably end at 3. haiyo. By the time luqman will be tired and just hoping to go to bed and sleep. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! PissedpissedPissed!
I'm terribly fvcking angry at this certain individual that means alot to me. When he's not okay with his Girlfriend, there he goes, finding me and telling how much he needs me. Ahh, SHITS. So whenever he's all HAPPPEEE and ALL SMILE, He'd just dump me aside and act as if, I've never exist. Sigh, what a life and what luck i have to have HIM as my bestfriend. Sighh.
O's result will be out tomorrow, i can't even spell NERVOUS. I think I'm gonna faint when my teacher is giving out my results to me. I wanna see good grades, good points. I wanna go poly! Sighhs. Kay, I'm super pissed. BYE
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Boyfriend said that I'm getting fatter each day. HAHAHA ( fake )
i love each and every of the pictures cause we both look so CUTE together. hahaha.
I don't know when will be the next time that I'd get to meet him. ( I'm like missing him so bad right now ) 1 Week and 5 more days to our 2nd Monthsary!:D and i won't get to celebrate it with luqman cause he got school. )':
He slept while texting me last night. Well, its not the first time. )': sad nisa, waited for his reply for 2 hours Mayne. ha ha, its okay.
I wanna go out today, Anyone? ha ha! not. And my results = in two days time. Ahhhh. I'm feeling the heat Mayne. I wanna pass and proceed to Polytechnic. )': but with my attitude and laziness during my O's, i doubt I'd make it. sigh, Bo confidence Mayne.
Oh alright, i gotta go!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
i sure had fun watching soccer with my family.<33
the atmosphere was crazy even though the stadium was barely full. We cheered, jeered like mad.
There were even stadium jokes like thosei:D Just hope Singapore will get to qualify for the Cup and hopefully, i get to watch another match at the stadium:D
HA HA! ( i sounded as though, its like my first time watching a match at the stadium ) HAHAHA!
Mum's gonna cook Black pepper crab for today. Omg, *Drooling*
and my most good looking cousin just added me on Facebook! Alright, i'm gonna start hitting the wall post:D
And my dearest hunky boyfriend just called me. OH, it feels great to listen to his voice, Somehow like an energy booster mayne. HAHAHA! I feel so motivated to like change my blog skin again ! ha ha, Omg, fickle minded nisa. HAHAHAHA! what to do? I'm just plain bored and yes, i get to meet my boyfriend tomorrow right after his Friday prayers. I miss you b.
50 Ways 2 Make A Girl Smile...When She Is Having A Bad Day Or Just Because She Is Your Girl... Believe Me She's Worth It:..
1. Tell her she is beautiful...she may deny she is, but she loves to hear it from you anyway.
2. Hold her hand at any moment (While Ur Walking) . . . even if its just for a second.
3. Hug her from behind..Like When She Is Just Standing There. (hold her as long as possible)
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5. Wrestle with her :):) ( ya lorr b, dont be sucha softie and always complain how much it hurts ) HAHAHA!
6. Don't go hang out with your ex or another girl that is crushin on you when shes not with you,
you might not relize how badly it hurts her. :(
7. If you are talking to another girl, when you're done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her....let her know she's yours and they aren't.
8. Write her notes or call her just to say "hi"
9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as your girlfriend. . . it feels nice doesn't it?
10. Play with her hair.
11. Pick her up and flirt with her! (she loves it, even if she says put me down)
12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn't
like it
13. Make her laugh ;)
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
15. If she's mad at you, kiss her.
16. If you care about her, then TELL HER
17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a STUFFED ANIMAL(she'll hug it every time she goes to sleep),
JEWELRY (she'll treasure it forever),
and one of his T-SHIRTS(she'll most likely wear it to bed)
or sweatshirts sprayed with his cologne!!
and SURPRISE Her with flowers or something special occasionally.. that will make her smile.. ;)
18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when
you're alone.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile.
20. Hang out with her on weekends
21.Kiss her in the Rain (girls love this)
22.Kiss her just for the heck of it
23. Listen To Her When She Talks To You
24. Remember her birthday and get her something,
even if
its simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. it
means all
the world to HER.
25. When she gives you a present on your
birthday, or just whenever, take it and tell her
you love it, even if you don't (it'll make her happy.)
26. Always call her when you say you will, it may
not seem
like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think
you don't
care so call even if you can only talk for a minute.
don't necessarily have to have hour long
every night but its nice for us to hear your voice
even for a
quick "hello."
27. Give her what she wants...as long as it's reasonable! gah!
28. Recognize the small things . . . they usually
mean the most.
29. Don't flirt with her friends or your friends that are girls cause
she'll feel left out and it might make her feel as though u have to find affection somewhere else. (ps- make sure others Know that u are HER boyfriend!)
30.hang out with her whenever you are free and u
should feel free to hang with your girl friend anytime
31.If u care about her...please... SHOW her!
33.When She Is Upset..Hold Her Tight (Tell Her How Much She Means To U)
34. Give Her Piggy Back Rides.
35.Be a Gentlemen (Hold the door for her)
36. Kiss Her On The Forehead.
37. Express That You Miss Her When You Are Apart.
38. Tell her she is the Only One For You..
39. Dont hug her friends or your friends that are girls cause she'll feel left out.
40. If your listening to music, let her listen too.
41. Sit in the park and just talk to her
42. Look her in the eyes and smile
43. Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants
44. Hang out with her whenever you are free and u should be free to hang
with your girlfriend all the time
45. Sing to her no matter how horrible your voice is.
46. Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with.
47. Throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night just because you missed her.
48. Carve your names into a Tree.
49. Slow dance with her, even if there isn't any music playing.
50. Call her sweety. (not baby)
I was bored. so i decided to copy this whole thang. HAHA! nak panjang2 kan blog post(s)!
Will update about the GAME when i'm wide awake laterrrrrrrrrrrr:D
1. Tell her she is beautiful...she may deny she is, but she loves to hear it from you anyway.
2. Hold her hand at any moment (While Ur Walking) . . . even if its just for a second.
3. Hug her from behind..Like When She Is Just Standing There. (hold her as long as possible)
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5. Wrestle with her :):) ( ya lorr b, dont be sucha softie and always complain how much it hurts ) HAHAHA!
6. Don't go hang out with your ex or another girl that is crushin on you when shes not with you,
you might not relize how badly it hurts her. :(
7. If you are talking to another girl, when you're done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her....let her know she's yours and they aren't.
8. Write her notes or call her just to say "hi"
9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as your girlfriend. . . it feels nice doesn't it?
10. Play with her hair.
11. Pick her up and flirt with her! (she loves it, even if she says put me down)
12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn't
like it
13. Make her laugh ;)
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
15. If she's mad at you, kiss her.
16. If you care about her, then TELL HER
17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a STUFFED ANIMAL(she'll hug it every time she goes to sleep),
JEWELRY (she'll treasure it forever),
and one of his T-SHIRTS(she'll most likely wear it to bed)
or sweatshirts sprayed with his cologne!!
and SURPRISE Her with flowers or something special occasionally.. that will make her smile.. ;)
18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when
you're alone.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile.
20. Hang out with her on weekends
21.Kiss her in the Rain (girls love this)
22.Kiss her just for the heck of it
23. Listen To Her When She Talks To You
24. Remember her birthday and get her something,
even if
its simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. it
means all
the world to HER.
25. When she gives you a present on your
birthday, or just whenever, take it and tell her
you love it, even if you don't (it'll make her happy.)
26. Always call her when you say you will, it may
not seem
like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think
you don't
care so call even if you can only talk for a minute.
don't necessarily have to have hour long
every night but its nice for us to hear your voice
even for a
quick "hello."
27. Give her what she wants...as long as it's reasonable! gah!
28. Recognize the small things . . . they usually
mean the most.
29. Don't flirt with her friends or your friends that are girls cause
she'll feel left out and it might make her feel as though u have to find affection somewhere else. (ps- make sure others Know that u are HER boyfriend!)
30.hang out with her whenever you are free and u
should feel free to hang with your girl friend anytime
31.If u care about her...please... SHOW her!
33.When She Is Upset..Hold Her Tight (Tell Her How Much She Means To U)
34. Give Her Piggy Back Rides.
35.Be a Gentlemen (Hold the door for her)
36. Kiss Her On The Forehead.
37. Express That You Miss Her When You Are Apart.
38. Tell her she is the Only One For You..
39. Dont hug her friends or your friends that are girls cause she'll feel left out.
40. If your listening to music, let her listen too.
41. Sit in the park and just talk to her
42. Look her in the eyes and smile
43. Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants
44. Hang out with her whenever you are free and u should be free to hang
with your girlfriend all the time
45. Sing to her no matter how horrible your voice is.
46. Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with.
47. Throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night just because you missed her.
48. Carve your names into a Tree.
49. Slow dance with her, even if there isn't any music playing.
50. Call her sweety. (not baby)
I was bored. so i decided to copy this whole thang. HAHA! nak panjang2 kan blog post(s)!
Will update about the GAME when i'm wide awake laterrrrrrrrrrrr:D

I swear, i miss my boyfriend like alot. I don't know when i can like meet him but i hope it'll be pretty soon. Jealous to the max when i see other couples get to meet their Boyfriend/Girlfriend.
I'm gonna have a hard time siaa. And I'm not complaining but somehow Absence makes the heart grows fonder. Imagine if he's selected for soccer ( but i hope he does la, he's been craving for a spot Mayne) = LESS TIME SPENT ON ME = god knows when i can meet him = Bye bye nisa = Sad nisa = rocky situation = SUPERSAD nisa = MOODY = NO TIME! :D
Ha ha. I'm good at exaggerating things. He'd sleep super early every single day. )':
minus Friday's and Saturday's. We can't meet during the weekends cause both of us have our own reasons. So weekdays are the only days that we can like MEET? ha ha. Sounds rather pathetic Kan? but ha ha, What to do.
to add to the despair, Monday is DOOMS Day. HA HA. ( exaggerating AGAIN )
Omg, i so can't sleep when i kept on thinking about it. Seriously, BO confident mayne.
GRrrrrrr. I wanna off the comp and play some games. HA HA. I just Can't sleep and boyfriend ain't there to teman me.SIGH. but, i gotta be very understanding. HA HA. Whatever la. :D
alright, Gameeey calling meeee.
and i envy Asraff and Nurul. Seriously. no matter how busy or how tired both of them are, they'd never fail to talk on the phone and stuff. If only......
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

head over heels over Dr Martens Boots. Seriously, i so wanna own one but i gotta wait for years to actually own one cause i'm not rich and loaded. HAHA. Pathetic kan? i know.
Will anyone please tell me when are those nerve-wrecking results will be out? OMG.
i even had nightmares mayne. Scary like shit.
Ilovemyboyfriend cause he's simply the best:D and, I've been suchha good girlfriend:D kan b?
Oh alright, Super short post.
And i'm going gaga over taio cruz like shit. He's HOTTTTT. Muahahahahaa!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Met asraff and nurul today and mira too:D Omg, best!:D had fun, and then met my baby.
He look so cute in his Ite baju. Omg. HAHAHA! aku suke. he's in lalaland now cause he's tired.
I pity baby so very much. Okay, i Can't wait for this wednesday! Singapore Vs Iran. Omg, so catching it Live at the stadium!:D HAHA! alamshah, Alamshah! Alamshah:D
I miss baby very much. Haha. Obsessed over baby! HAHA.
alright, i wanna sleep. I'm tired too. Bleaahhh:D
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baby's gonna start school and it means, less time spent on me. Haiyoo. Its okay. Haha.
I just can't sleep that well this past few days, Insomnia much? I need some kind of motivation to like make me go to sleep like any other people. Maybe my sleeping disorder habit is cathing up on me. I look like a living zombie with huge eye bags. Haha.
alright, off to change my blogskin.
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