Gee. I don't understand some people. For goodness sake, you already have a MATE and you can still think of loving another person? Urgh. Then there's this someone who thinks he/she is some Mr/Ms perfect. Oh cmon people. Grow up will ya?
I'm not in good terms wiv my v good people. Sigh. I love my boyfriend cause his the best.
& i get to meet him tomorrow. Weeeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:D
And my phone is ready for collection and i've lost each and every of my friends numbers.
Ps; i don't even remember my boyfriend's number. HAHA.
&& i find myself having the urge to shop for clothes EVERYDAY. I need a new earpiece. A NEW SHOE.*MUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* That oxford heels. and moreee clothes.
Oh yes. new bag too:D
And i can't wait for pay day! Oooooooooooooooooh. B, Lets go shopping!:D hehehehheehheh!
for sure he'd kill me.haha!:D
Toodles. Off watching Th game:D