Went out! best:D bought nothing. NOTHING i tell you. SAD)':
Currently chatting with sergio ramos and he's tryna chill me down a little cause tomorrow is results day. AHH. Thanks eh Sergio Ramos:D i miss dididegil alot siaa.)':
I don't know whats up with my boyfriend. grr. Its okay, tak nak layan? tak pasal. i love you b.
Omg, results= tomorrow. SIGH, i wanna faint. OMG.
I gotta chill. Bo confidence mayne. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHS.
And i'm gaining weight, i gotta lose em weight mayne! )': and i'm happee cause my hair is starting to grow! yay me,:D long hairLonghair.
i wanna text my boyfriend. and hopefully, get to like sleep? HAHAHA!