i sure had fun watching soccer with my family.<33
the atmosphere was crazy even though the stadium was barely full. We cheered, jeered like mad.
There were even stadium jokes like thosei:D Just hope Singapore will get to qualify for the Cup and hopefully, i get to watch another match at the stadium:D
HA HA! ( i sounded as though, its like my first time watching a match at the stadium ) HAHAHA!
Mum's gonna cook Black pepper crab for today. Omg, *Drooling*
and my most good looking cousin just added me on Facebook! Alright, i'm gonna start hitting the wall post:D
And my dearest hunky boyfriend just called me. OH, it feels great to listen to his voice, Somehow like an energy booster mayne. HAHAHA! I feel so motivated to like change my blog skin again ! ha ha, Omg, fickle minded nisa. HAHAHAHA! what to do? I'm just plain bored and yes, i get to meet my boyfriend tomorrow right after his Friday prayers. I miss you b.