Loads of pictures aint it?
YES. pictures for you to enjoy ( while it last)
Finally, Mia made her decision and im happy for you sayang(:
and Yes, i dont wanna cry about a useless guy like him.
Yes, one thing i regret in life is loving you.
So, my life is back.
And seriously, gotta bring myself up in order to become CRAZY nisa once again.
I miss all my buddies that i lost just because of him.
I miss my freedom. ( FRESHNESSSSS)
Had malay today and yes, i think im soooo gonnna flunk it.
I did my first paper asal boleyy.
HAHAHA. Mira with her irritating face bugs me.
HAHAA! And after alll that, Met suffyan, Im late as usual,
Saper tak kenal nisa? hahaah!
Yes, Went to watch Race to the witch mountain ( since SUFFYAN TAK NAK TGK HORROR MOVIE); and yes. I enjoy it.
And someone keep asking me whether im okay or not, HAHAHAA, FUNNEH.
And someone end up getting cold. ?HAHAHAHA.
and someone said i concentarate.
Well, i paid 6 bucks worth of ticket so i might as well enjoy it right?
AHAAHAHA. you uhhh suff. =.="
then after that, went to some block nearby( no , Not atas block)
found a bench after ROUNDING , Cheyp!
And so much for right.( eh sufff)
Sat on the bench, and i cried.
thinking about iskandar.
suff comfort me. and his good at it( i swear)
what if i leave you? what if you leave me?
bla bla bla happen, We take pictures, and yes, there's more but i like this few(:
thenn he sent me home, (He was standing real far from me in the train. )HAHAHAHA
and i balik laaa, duhh=.="
He learned a new word.
AHAHAHHAA(: nisa the teacher.
You .... like my ex boyfriend. HAHAHAHHA!
Went ngaji, And yes, I cried my lungs out.
Nisa was there(:
Thanks bby girl, ILOVEYOUSOMUCH,.
And sufi cute pe girl?
Yes, Art camp.
and i spent the time of my life with friends that i rarely talk to(:
the most enjoyable time during the camp was during BALL GAMES Time.
Seriously, I had fun. We played soccer at the np camp nye tempat, nak gi street soccer, the guys ader. soo we play at the small grass patch area. And Mira, Me , Sheila and Mia were in a group.
Kid, Izal, Spark and Hajar another group.
We played the strangest soccer ever. And somehow, the goal post is stretch out wide. HAHAHAH! Funneh, and mira was our goal keeper. Hahaha! and the kid's group no keeper. Sume asal bole tendang. HAHAHAA(: andddd Mia Jatuh. HAHAHAHAHA! i tell you, it was so funnnnnny! And Most of us nearly lose our balance tapi kite tak jato eh miaa. hahahahha!
After the strange soccer game, We played sing song gitu , Cam Cheer competition. sheila tak abis2 nak b1 b2. hahahaha, Andddd kejadian yang plaing klakar was when spark sang the ( hey mickey ) song, SALAH LYRICS PER BANG? hahahah! hey mickey hey mickey mickey pee.
COnfidenst sak abang spark kiter, Cheers without pisang is a must.then after the Cheer competition, we hide from hajar, i like want to kencing siaa. we hide beh bile keluar , semua kate, mak saya kate , HAHAHHAA. thenn we saw CAPTAINS BALLL. and played, at first it was a express vs normal acad. HAHAa, tapi express siket orang, sheila and jannah joined our group.
And MASELLIE HAHAHA. tinggi pe so no one could overtake her.
HAHAHA. i had fun on the ball games part(:
And had macs at night.
Did my pineapple.Will update it soon(:
Oh yes, that suffyan wants the pictures, soo i gotta sent it to him through email.
Budget laaa siket, ehh coool pe.
Use email.
and his bugging for thhe pictures.
Annnd dad keeeep listening to the gangster's song.
okay, gotta go,