I miss that hair!
Jealousssss siooooolls akuu.
Oh yes, it was a last year tingyy.
See how nice it is.
Now my hair like perempuan gile already.
today was an Awfully boring day for me.
Didnt went to khalis bday party cause gotta look after my
sisters. but well , i earned some money(:
10bucks siol!
its an easy job, but throughout, i was sleeping.=.="
Baik nisa. I know!
ohh yes, aku da ade member2 aku skrg.
kiter bdk choli.
Consist of;
Hahahah! seriously, they're one gerek bunch of girls(: ILOVETHEM!
Oh yess, ive beeeen real closee to tariq irfaan anak osman.
oh yes, HE LOOOOOOOOVESSSS photography.
all he can think of is photography.
about s;
i lead a different life from him.
I realised, lots of things.
i change quite alot.
i got this temper that will make people hate me.
Oh howww Asshole is that?
5am, waking up to watch spain's game!
oh yes, just hope fabregas will be playing.
god knows how badd i missssed him.
Iveeee beeen progressing reall well in physics(:
HAHHA! i loveeee physicss.
Okay, got to go already(:
Nisaaa sayangg nisaaa nyer choli members.