i finally have the time to blog. haha. so basically my saturday is ruin , cant go out with dearest , due to some fighting going on between me and mummy. and basically , i hate her at that part of tyme .
haha . so , after a few hours , we happy2 . but i didnt even eat . soo , mum pakse . and at 8 like that , i ate mac donalds . mcm kebuluhh like that , haha . so , syiqin is in hospital , and my granny too. so basically , my parents are busy. haha. mane nk jage . haha , so im not having fun . no parents equal BORING life cause without my mum , theres no one to nag at . haha . so , bf went east coast with his family and friends. he called me , but it was like a 7 mins talk and he hunged up . sadd . :(( , i got tto talk to shazwan , and ask him alot of questions.and its harryy my boyy . harry asked pak tam for my number , and paktam tak adee , so too bad. haha. so whyy harry nk ehh ? ahahha. haha damn , i miss my besti alot. so , iwan , i sent you a comment, do hit me back oke bdk gila? haha . im missing dearest right now , and he didnt go online like he was suppose tuh . i dont blame him . maybe hiss sleeping. let him have some rest. haha , sygg you . so , mesaging azrul . and his crazy about me ? haha . giler nyerr anak. so tuday we talk about my abg sdareeee . haha . we make fun of him at the hospital until nurse scold us. such a fuck upp nurse. haha. soo it doesnt stop us from talking. kak maria was theree too. haha.one bigiir(burger) satu chilichot(chilli sauce) one penpries(french fries) , dhats what my abg sdare say when he was small. haha , kindda funny . we laugh and laugh.
went tuh eat chappati. and i dont eat chappati. haha. keema wasss nice.
and there was this indiann guy luhh , he was talking(yelling) onn the phone and scolding lan jiao ahh chibaii , you better go down arr lan jiao. he was like walking in circle. around us . then he took of his belt anddddd walk tuhwards dont know where.
then about 10 mins later , ambulance arrive . and we all are like , "skali tuh org ehh ," haha.
and i caught a damn it flu ,. haha. andddd i woke up at 3 pm justt now. or isit 4? haha.
i miss my friends and DEFINATELY boyfriennd. gosh , i miss him allot.
olyyn rockss lurhh seyh, my spongebob freind. hahaha. andd i didnt went for selection .
how was it guys ?
cant waiit tuh hear it from u all soon .
so , its like nearly 12.
cant wait tuh hit the bed. and feel the comfyness . anddddd i niedd tuh wake up early.
5 am . can i make it?
need tuh gosok bajuu luhh . hahaha
azrul asked me tuhh sleep at one .
his crazyy. but im bored.
so tgk luhh how .
cant message bf cause he wont be receiving any meesage.
anddd i miss you boyy like hell .
dearestttt , i love youuuuu alot.
doo beep me oke ?
that all jack .
blog like tomorrow , if theres something tuh blog luhh .
mum gave me $50 bucks.
but ive used it all .
hmm , gonna save some money for bf , azhar , iwan upcoming bday . and not forgeting natasha,
sleep tight!
ilove affendi zailani .