so , that caption was inspring , and it isnt for nasir ali . haha , for someone luhh kan !
oke , aku da merepek , bukan da , DA sah ! hahaha , so had english test , yay .
summary havent do , tommorow luhh kan ! and bsok , gy ytss , ade jantan luh kan ,
hahha . tak boleh , tk boleh , nisa SETIA , bkn mcm AFFENDI . haha , sorry luh kan !
haha . oke , im done . affendi da go offline , haiz , SDH siolts !
haiz , tk per uhh , da nasib luh kan , besabar lah . DA SATU minggu i nvr talk to him .
haiz , mcm rase single pulak . haiz ... sdh uhh ! anything luh ., nisa happy3 je luh . i hate you . <------- ini untok affendi , GERAM siol aku ! haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!!!!!!!!
da uh , aku nk nangis uh , SIOT. haiz . tk de mood uh ! bru chat skejap je siolt , tros , haiz . nk nangis ! tk per , i dont take it to heart , kene understand die , hmm , maybe he got his own reasons luhh kan ! haha , , i hope he top up his prepaid a.s.a.p
da satu minggu ! haiz , one week seyhkkk ! haiz , brape lame lagi i nk kene tunggu seyhk u ? hahaha . tk per uh , da nasib dpt mtair gini mcm , kene UNDERSTND luh bengap , bdh seyhk nisa ! haiz , aku cinta dia byk2 , dan aku syg sngt dgn dia ! sorry aqim , chiqo , airi , amir , tk lyn krg kat msn , nisa tark deee mood uhh !
btw , aku tukar featured friends matair aku , tgk die ltk balik tak tuh pmpn ! aku nk tgk ! ni kalau dia feature kan balik , aku tros speechless . haiz , consider fadzli ? and its not fadle luh ppl !
haiz ,, bf , bf , u feature die balik , jgn hrp i nk bbl ngan u . so what klau kwn ? mcm lain je ,. fadle ngan aku pon da lame tk cntct seyhk , SEJAK org tu MENGAMOK . tk pe uh !
i didnt mean tuh maki2 , maybe , da marah
haiz ,
azrul cool it oke with the message you sent tuh me ! andd fadzli waiting for an answer , accept or not ehh ? hmm , haiz .. maybe fadzli , its not the time . i cant be yours luhh . hmm , maybe u can try tuh get other girls ,? they deserve you better , im attached luhh fadzli , hmm , be happy in everything you do , oke ? fadzli will be nisa friend till the end . fadzli best luh kan ! and i dont mean to hurt you fad , like u said , u sometime get accepted and rejected ! thats life . sorry fadzli once again . and great job on your takraw matches though . haha , fadzli is my one and only fadregas ! hahaha .
jermaine jenas is HOT !