oh , hello . im blogging yaw ! haha , tunnguu hitsy online , LEMBAB siots . so wanna update my blog . haha ! we basically have health screening today and my spine is positivve , haha , excpet for my senget left bone , i have senget spine ! at least aku jln tak akan senget , haha ! da oke luhh kn ? wohooo ! so , GOH training was like ..... fuck sia , sume org mcm so slow seyhk ,
haha , npcc got good comments , and hell yeah , we kiri belok rocks ! haha . so , at first i was being replaced by mw and AL , then they fall out , so hajar and me masok squad
and Why must a bad marcher hu came rarely last year can becume goh ? amira is better off sial !
anddd SEDEH ! haha , so i need tuh change seats in malay class . sit with shakina and ju .
haiz , maybe i talk tuh much in malay class . mira and me change seats too . annd , andd , hahaha ! ainur sit with FAIZAL . i was like laughing2 . haha . oke , i think thats all !
so besok buat ic ! haha , da kakak luh kan ! yes ahhh !
i love affendi alot. and i sent him a 6 pages long worth of ilove you .
ahah , syg , i donnoe if you accept it . but i swear, i did give it to you baby !
haha . and stop denying the truth people . haiz , its obvious !
haha .
so angelene is too cute ! haha , syg angelene alot !
i love affendi
and saye buat kwn bruu
firdaus name die !
haha !