oh , yuss !
and match is tomorrow .
and spot zhenghua sec kat tv , and quensway
psst , dont fred , yss akan give the best .
haha .
oke ,
pantun dgn bf is great . ily sygg !
and fad . the ans is still no !
haha ,
on the 1st march , 1st march .
and mira da tark de kuase lagi pe ?
mcm phm siol kau !
haha , so amira fought with zal , pagi2 je !
hahaha ,
so , now da baik siots . yay ! pandai seyhk jacks !
aku syg giler dekat bf aku seyhkk !
010108 to last till the end .
aku rindu psl tk bbl ngan die .
haizz .
baby , baby .
pak ali jual kerepek part aku merepek
aku sedar , sedar !
they expect me to score.
harap2 score lah
yay , dpt jersey!
tarkk sabah siols !
okee dah
and im gonna miss syak , qaiyum , yus !
haizz .
ily bitches !
and affendi !
and taufiq !