fadle !
i got it from ma parents!
gayyyyyyy !
im blogging , im blogging. i have the mood to blog now . thanks to , HAIZAIR , FADLE , FAD , IWAN , ! krgg gerek and nott forgetting KYNN and NATASHA . thanks fer your help ,
he needs a break , maybe i give in ! hah , so , 4 guys are actually waiting for me, but
my heartt is for the AFFENDI aje , hmm ., ate at seoul garden . FUCK you , haha. full like hell . and one guy is hott ! haha , a seoul garden staff, he smiled at me , and sayy hie. oh god , mcm nk pengsan ! haha , !! im not in the mood todayy , but thanks to , FAD , FADLE , HAIZAIR , IWAN , you make me smile ,a nd thanks for the videos haizair , esp the indonesia idol ! haha . he suck . (SHE) hahaha. so , LIVING life to the fullest andd , FADLe , thanks for those lectures you gave me . pekak telinge mendengar. haha . thanks fad . oke . ntg tuh blog . haha ! goodnight.
ilove affendi !