mia , im glad u made ur decision . whatever it is , ill respect your decision sygg . maybe , sometimes , being single is the bestt . but , i alreaddy got myself the bestestt boyfriend seyhk .
wouldnt leave him aside. his DEAREEST luhh . so , wentt LJS todayy with MIA . so , i treat her .
she was having fun , but .. she was all the way thinking about her family . hmm . i pity her in way . and brothers and sisters and mumm .but , all i can do is console her all i can . and i hope mia and hajar would find a job . and MAKE em proud offf it . love you guys , amira is maybe sick . MAYBE . i hope she come tuh school , so i wont be the one clapping alone with nat of course. hmm ,
cantt wait fer the class decoration tingy tuh be announce, all i hope for was 3e10 tuh win .
hmm . so basically , mad at taufiq at malay class ,. not because he was irratating or anything .
kindd of fed up lah. so , he wont buy presents forr me , hack care . haiz. he promised all this years and yet to fulfied it . thanks my friend. u broke my heartt . i felt like crying just now in class ,
but i know , im a strong girl . i can manage . so the girls , kynn , diana, NATASHA ,AMIRA make me feel happy . pluss pluss FAIZAL and NAZIRUL . haha ! fad message me in the morning .
and didnt reply him backk . sorry fad . haha . so school was great esp chem class . i tell you.
ms. LAI suck cock for damn it . new year presents? go to hell . ur PRESENT i lostt it .hah!
1e7 , 2e8 ! i miss those days alott. really allot . crying thinking how things change and we didnt realise it at all , BEST FRIENDS even we're seperated. those words are lies. thanks tuh the 3 buddies of mine which was used tuh be bestiee . maybe , seperation do occurs in life. i got no mood now . and not tuh forget , guys , DONT ever lie tuh ur girlfriend. she might get hurt.
the truth may hurts , but the lies BLEEDS
azhar , why must u lie ? hmm .
ilove haizair .
i love affendi !