ooh . Im like feeeling oh soo wanna blog now .
Iskandar'Love is suchaa love .
Oh well , he got tits cause his FATT , Succha gay.
Isk , in love with your body so muchh ah?
Good for you kay love ? HAHA:D
Seriously , isk , you're soo full of oh so nonsense . BlaaBlaaBlaa.
Alip , on the process of BLACKING-OUT.
Relaxxx aitee . Bestfriend always there for you kayy?
There are some people out there just dont know how to respect other peoples decisions .
All they did was to listen to that SICKENING side , and not to listen to the another side . Oh what the hell , you're not him/her for god sake. You can just judge whatever you want , in the end , you're judging yourself as a person whom doesnt even UNDERSTAND yourself. Making other people feel bad about themselves doesnt meant you're right either. Sometimes , you just gotta shut up and mind your own business. Doesnt mean , you told all those sacrifices you made for that someone to other people , you gain yourself sympathy. Think about all the SACRIFICES the person made to suit your damn needs even it might end up losing something they really love.
Dont just think about yourself aite? Maybe all you want is to see that person TO SUFFER . Youve already make that person lose something the person love alot , now , you're trying to make the person lose the person's friend ? Aren't you being selfish? ALL YOU THINK WAS ABOUT YOURSELF ASSHOLE. You're sucha a pain in the ass! There's one thing the person regret about, having to know someone so selfish like you. Thanks for the missing replies, thanks.
Doesnt involve anyone, just wrote it all out for no reason . Im crazy .
And oh , off i go .
messaging a person i adore ,
tc love.
and ive always beeen myself and ive always been right here,in case you've never noticed.
and,in case if i've changed , let it be. Doesnt everyone change?
And feestar my love, its nis.elle@hotmail.com
ilove mira,hajar,mia,alip,iskandar to the max too!