MY darling francesc fabregas is arsenal's new captain . SEE , how cute he looks . anddd im like soo loving him . wednesday morning , WATCH HIM WITH HIS NEW ARM BAND ! HAHAHA! 3.35am on espn . HAHAHAH!
i have the greatest boyfriend. god bless me with such a patience boyfriend . we HARDLY fight kan sayang ? bbl bbl sampai 5 pagii , HAHAHA! b , we're likee , so understanding each other . This are some of the reason's why i love him(: I'm like so blessed with a very loving boyfriend.
Life , is life . sometimes you gotta give and take right ? And im glad , someone is okay alr . im likee super sad today , idk why . thanks boyfriend for cheering me up. LYING WONT BRING YOU ELSEWHERE.
thanks boyfriend . you're oh soo love by me . (: currently , messaging him . waiting for the time , when i can actualy call him . itll be like after 2 , MOST PROBABLY , oh what the hell ! im ugly. oh yeahh , meeting him this thursday ! diaa trn yishunn laa , ! hahahs , and gonnaaa see my uglyyy faceeee .
To:erah ,
hey love . i read your blog , and its like ohh so sweet seyk . wowness(:
ALIP BESTFRIEND KU , hopes everything's fine with you. just hope that bitch get her treatment someday , ! i hate the bitch !
oh , i gtg . FABREGAS IS THE CAPTAIN . WELL , maybe things will change . (: AMIN.