abg amy , pinjam topii ye ?
muke mintakk tampar!
aku tgh bored.so , how about blogging? so , just finished gossiping with amira feat iifah!
oke , bertaubat luhh semua sebelum ditaubatkan oke ? haha ! nisa da mrepek siol .
oke , my prince aint talking to me ! ohh boyy . his always like that, and i had a small tiff with hitsy.
he wanted it so much ,. (: ngaji was great . i reached late , and all the guys were like, looking . oke.i had a flu . so my voice like rockers. and i readd the werds eh , mcm slh2 , bkn mcm . mmg !
oka dzi becume dza! pandaii nisa! haha. and tuhday we read 5 nisa ! haha in two pages!
and we read surah an nisa! alamak , nisa lagii, and all i did was. NAME AKU , NAME AKU
oke, dzulhijrah and zaki got scolded byy cik nas for gangu a girl call syafinaz. yup. drg due mentel.
and i shook head looking at dzul and his face tros berubah! haha , i wore black tdng with white jubah and bluee skinny jeans feat PINK slippers. i look tottaly horrible! haha! and adek was like .
kau mcm keleng ar ! keleng bdh ! and i was like , JELES? haha. oke , kwn2 ngajii ku tidak activate , and cik zul was always with his nonsensical jokes. and we kept laughing. .
i cant stand it.
oke .
dats all.
i really had fun
and azrul , u cant go with me .
haha , im going with my sweetiee pies ,
oke ?
ttoodles all!
and HITSY is always loved by mee!