yg ini mcm STYLE!!
BACE readers digest taww!

my class is a mess! haha , so i love 3e10 damn much . and 3e10 rocks alott . so , AFTERR recess was definately the best part , or the highlight of the day ! and i had muchh fun .
so , we came late for english lesson, and mr andrew tk kasii kite masok class. bitch benarr!
so , ain,siti,kynn,nana,me,natasha,crystal,this guy!,sum wee, peng seng was all outside for 30 minutes.peng seng and sum wee were late cause they go and shit! haha. soo we girls cam whore.
and peng seng took some pictures for us and we even put self timer on. we had fun siol, and we ketawe2.and FUCK YOU amira. cmpak kasot aku merate tmpt . besar nye sial. haha. kau sabar jer monday , u waitt , i rembat you. haha. so npcc , i had promo test . and had fun. hajar told me 3 fail. soo sape ehh ? i hope i pass.
nk jadi SERGEANT kate kan. kann bgs , and FRGETTT tu tell krg2,
NATASHA NORHAZMAN FART MCM PHM SIOL. haha , pukieee , aku dudok sebelah die.
beh kentut mcm tk de insurance.
kesiann aku. haha, so nat is my gerek partner. slalu bbl tk senonoh kat class.
im done.
mls nk blog lagii
and sundayy daddy nk ajakk gyy bowling.
cant wait sioll! haha.
and friends, my parentss are oke back. haha,
what a relieve siol
aku love krg sume.
haha, and mia, jgn dgr lagu azura je.
nnti aku nyanyi kan kau oke ?
and btw,
5 red guys kacau2 mira,me,hajar,mia.
nk number per dgr2?
nk no , tapi da jauh, besar peh bodoh
and mia,
suker jer ehh
tadii budakk lakii tuh senyum kat kite due.
cairr mairr ehh.
tapii aku ttp ingt akan matair ku.
i love tuh anak .
ZAILANI peh anak.
ily bf !