Its been one whacky and tedious week. With tests and quizes. Woah!
Im suppose to go for art, but god knows when im gonna get outta my house. HAHA! as you know, i dont usually. Esp on fridays! haha(:
Pig has been the most dearest,Sexiest, Loviest babyboy one could find. HAHA(:
Well, Oh my, can i melt now?( nat, Pinjam line )
Sweetpig. And he's 24hrs with his step cute text messages. Kerning. kuarli. HAHAHA! Confident.
tio bo? ( idk whats that btw )
Pigbby, Thank you(:
I miss this bestfriend of mine. Alot more than you know. Seriously.
He's a change person now. I guessed so. gotta wait after 'o's!
i have the time of my life to wait for someone that is worth my wait.
I miss you dear boy.

okay, i got to go.
before mira kill me. HAHAA!(:
toodles. ILOVE 4e10.
And piggg!(: