Asshole messaged me , At last was so i thought. But eventually, he ruined it.
He was a totally a changed person, Well a little of arrogance and some slangs that i find Irritating.
He called me babe. ( Hmm, he never called me that before. )
He was strange. I swear he was. I cant expect much from someone who did not messaged me for the past 5 days. I dont blame him, At All. He had his O level's Oral yesterday. Maybe that was the reaosn so. Maybe he's back to usual self by now. And im hoping for it. Seriously.
I want the old him back.
School is the best! but somehow, im beginning to feel the Stress. I studied at night. And i've yet to have a gooooddd Greatt Gracious Sleep.
Life's like a roller Coaster this day. Somehow, i had my satisfaction. I get to Shoppppppppppp this Sunday! And i cant hardly wait for it Assholes. HAHAA!
Im getting close to the Climate of my story. And yes, im facing Hell load of a problem.
I Felt Jubilant, Thanks to Someone who called himself a pessimst. HAHAHA!
Allright. Meeting mira for Breakfast! Today's thursday and school gates would open only at 8.20am.
Heck much!
He stole my heart, right from the beginnning. and id try, to steal his heart instead.
I wouldnt want to use Olevels as a reason from refraining me from liking Him.
And i did a surprise for him. Hope he likes it.