Notice? i was wearing bestfriend's Lanyard every minute of the day! Sigh):
Okay, skip introductions. I sucked at it. Sorry for not updating for like 23456576576days!
And im Getting real motivated to study this past few days. Im getting the Hang OF MATH Now.
Yay me! Yes, Chemistry is giving me White hairs Cause i sucked in it. I need Mira To teach me(:
School is THE BEST. Oh yes, the best cause i get to study! Ilovestudying!(:
Olevels is like coming and no time to lose. I study day and night. I Need all the help i could get to achieve the Grades i desire. Perseverence. Endurance. Hardwork.
I need a change of attitude towards everything now. I gotta be harsh and hard on certain things. I cant be too easy on anything. I realised i was such a bitch last time. And Thanks to my gf's i realised it now. Thanks Girls(:
Bestfriends ought to be frank to each others, point out your mistakes! And im lucky i have those kind of friends(: And i can say, im doing it pretty well, Im sticking to one(:
Well, i was aren't i? Munir was an example!
And as for now, id Dedicate My life to OLEVELS, Family(Well, HUGE problem incoming), Girlfriends(They're the best), Bestfriend(Although he ignores me totally, His still my bestfriend though). No time for those bullshits cause it simply will hurt me. And i had enough of all those.
No more Mr.Y cause i find it such a waste of my time.
Ive yet to upload my family day photo's didnt i? Well, id do it soon then!(:
And idk why my bestfriend is like avoiding me. Totally. Did i like do something wrong towards him? Did i offend him? Sigh! I miss you bestfriend. ALOT! And i got tons to tell you. Tons i say!
Its been rather strange without you. Without your usual Trademarks. I miss them. Alot.
I know its been hard on you. Problems are piling up for you aren't they? Well, just so you know, your bestfriend(MYSELF) will always be there for you! Dont think much aite(: I MISS YOU Mohamed asraff ! And i Keep listening to the song Gone so young Cause you dedicated it to me!
Okay, I got to go! Swimming is starting reallllll soon! And i wanna have a quick recap On my Physics and hit the showers and watch AYG afterthat!
toodles all.
I was out of tagged for 2 days and someone noticed it! hahaha!
I love Mira.Natasha.Sheila.Ifah.Mia.Hajar.Crystal.Devona.Pris.Si yi pan.Hayati<33